845. [Bradford, Lewis (Plympton, Mass.] / Thomas, Benjamin F.
The Town Officer [With Manuscript annotations, inserted annotations, a handwritten “Table, Exhibiting the Area of the Several States in Square Miles – “Free States” vs. “Slave States” and listing the difference in size of these two distinctions. The book also includes bound-in Ephemera: An Original Printed “Act Relating to the Banns for Marriage …for the people called Friends or Quaker”]. A Digest of the Laws of Massachusetts in Relation to the Powers, Duties and Liabilities of Towns, and the Town Officers; With the Necessary Forms [Former copy of Lewis Bradford, Town Clerk of Plympton, Mass. (″Cost one dollar – January 29th, 1846”)].
Worcester, Published by Warren Lazell, 1845. Octavo. IV, 392 pages. Original Hardcover with Collector’s Mylar. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear. Original annotations in ink and pencil by Lewis Bradford.