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4 – Cyprus / WW I (1911 – 1919) (38 items)

[Cyprus – Famagusta]: January 1918 – c. August 1919

“In 1918 Luke became Commissioner for Famagusta” (Holland)

″Cyprus seems to have the quality of being able to inspire not only devotion to itself but lasting friendship between those who meet there” (C&M II, 45) – Cyprus was Luke’s passion and in this chapter of his collection here we include not only items which fall in the period 1911 – 1919 but also other letters and books which seemed to deserve to be placed in this chapter but were not created during this timeline. All of Luke’s publications often draw of course from experiences past and so it seems fitting to include correspondence and publications where they seems to belong.

Manuscript Letter Signed (MLS) / Autographed Letter Signed (ALS) from Harry Charles Lukach

2. [Cyprus Content] – [Luke, Harry Charles].

Manuscript Letter Signed (MLS) / Autographed Letter Signed (ALS) from Harry Charles Lukach (Sir Harry Luke) to his father. Luke writes on October 4th, using Stationery of “Government House, Cyprus” from his posting as Private Secretary of Governor Sir Hamilton Goold-Adams in Cyprus, where Luke was posted between November 1911 – c. October 1914. At this time Luke is awaiting a promotion [it will come a few weeks after this letter was written and he is updating his father]: “My dear Father, yours of 27 Sept from Vienna just received…..This is our last week on Troodos…in 5 days we go down to Nicosia, where it will be hot for another 3 weeks or so after we get there. I have not yet said anything to Sir H[amilton Goold-Adams] about the S.A.offer; I think that the best opportunity to do so would be when he actually recommends me for a higher post here. This cannot be done at once, as he will first have to get rid of the present holder (the Asst. Secretary), wh[ich he will try to do when he goes on leave. But don’t mention this, as he has not yet tackled the C.O. I enclose a photo taken lately of a shooting match here between Soldiers & Civilians. Sir H[amilton Goold-Adams] shot for the latter, & I was a spectator (in Colonel Glasses). The Soldiers won. Much love to you three – Your loving son Harry”.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Cyprus / Government House, 4 October 1912. Octavo. Bifold Octavo, all four pages with manuscript handwriting, signed. Very good condition. From the personal collection of Sir Harry Luke.

EUR 275.000,-- 

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