Memoria que en cumplimiento del Precepto Constitucional Presentó al Congreso de la Union en el primer periodo de sus Sesiones el C. Ignacio L. Vallarta (Secretario de Estado y del Despacho de Relaciones Exteriores) / Bound with Appendix I (Anexo I): Anexo al Informe del Agente de Mexico ante la Comision de Reclamaciones (Reclamaciones de D. Jorge L. Hammeken) / Bound with Appendix II (Anexo II): Comision Mixta de Reclamaciones de Mexico y Los Estados-Unidos. Thaddeus Amat, Obispo de Monterey, y Joseph S. Alemany, Arzobispo de San Francisco, Con Mexico //
Mexico, Imprenta de Gonzalo A . Esteva, 1878. Folio. XXVI, 197 pages / Indice I: 17 pages / Indice II: 35 pages / Indice III: 17 pages / Indice IV: 2 pages / Appendix / Anexi: 291 pages. Original Hardcover (half leather). Very good condition with only minor signs of wear. Cancelled from the University of London Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, this rare publication was bequeathed to the University from the library of Charles Henry Huberich.
Includes chapters on: Reclamaciones Espanolas contra Mexico / Relaciones con Los Estados-Unidos de America / Servicios prestados por el buque de guerra Mexico a los pasajeros y tripulacion del vapor Americano City of San Francisco / Depredaciones en la frontera: queja del Gobiernode los Estados-Unidos de America por violacion de territorio americano etc.
Los anexos I and II incluyen una relación de las reclamaciones entre México y Estados Unidos de América destacando por su amplitud y minuciosidad la información que se refiere a las reclamaciones entre México y Estados Unidos de América, nombre del reclamante, y el origen y cantidad de la reclamación. El anexo 3 incluye los extranjeros en México: matricula, naturalizaciones, matrimonios, defunciones e hijos renidos en México, de junio de 1873 a septiembre de 1875 (en términos generales), movimiento maritimo y de pasajeros, por puertos y nacionalidad (Source: Latin America – A Guide to Economic History 1830-1930 by Roberto Cortés Conde and Stanley Stein).
This rare book came from the library of Charles Henry Huberich.
Charles Henry Huberich was born on February 18, 1877 in Toledo, Ohio. He grew up in San Antonio, Texas, where he studied under private tutors. Huberich received his undergraduate degree from the University of Texas at Austin in 1897 and his Master of Law degree a year later from the same institution. After receiving his Master of Civil Law degree from Yale in 1899, Huberich spent a few months studying at the Universities of Berlin and Heidelberg.
In 1900, he was elected as an instructor in law and political science by regents of the University of Texas at Austin. During his stay in Austin, he met Laura King Orr. They were married on June 11, 1902. They had one daughter, May Bess. Huberich taught at the University of Texas until he resigned in May 1905. Later that year, he received a Doctor of Laws degree from the University of Heidelberg and he accepted a teaching position at Stanford University.
Huberich taught Constitutional Law, Criminal Law and Conflict of Laws at Stanford until 1912. He was an assistant professor from 1905-1906, an associate professor during 1907, and a professor from 1907 to 1912. Huberich was also a professor of law at the University of Chicago during the 1907 summer session, and at the University of Wisconsin from 1909-1910.
After leaving Stanford, Huberich made his home in New York and he set up law offices both there and in London. On July 15, 1925, Huberich was married for the second time, this time to Princess Nina Mdivani. Charles Huberich died at the age of 68 on June 18, 1945.
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