Concordantiae Maiores Sacrae Bibliae, Iam recens praeter priorem locupletationem, summis uigilijs passim cum adauctae tum recognitae.
Argentina [Straßburg], Ioannes Cnoblouchus [J. Knobloch d.Ä.], 1526. Folio (22 cm x 31 cm). 407 nn. Bll. Hardcover with new endpapers and an old sheet of Missale-Vellum as board-covering. Masterful binding, reimagining the original 16th century binding-style. Minor wormhole-damage. Otherwise in excellent condition with some minor signs of wear only. With manuscript annotation to the titlepage, mentioning Hugo Cardinali [Cardinal Hugo of Saint-Cher (Hugo de Sancto Charo)]. Former copy of the St.Ägidius Konvent in Hadamar with the old library-stamp obliterated / Ehemaliges Exemplar des Franziskanerklosters in Hadamar, St.Ägidius. Extremely important Bible-concordance. With some annotations in text (at word “Thabor” for example).
[VD 16, C 4904; Muller 165, 486]
Beim Text handelt es sich um die wegweisende dritte Stufe der seit Mitte des 13. Jh. entstehenden Bibelkonkordanzen, die “Concordantiae maiores” mit abgekürztem Wortlaut der Quellenstellen (vgl. Wetzer-W. II, 638).
Concordantiae Maiores by the fourteenth century Dominican Conradus de Alemania (Konrad der Jüngere von Halberstadt). Konrad’s concordance, originally compiled in 1310, was an abridgment of the original Bible concordance, compiled c. 1230 by 500 friars under the direction of Dominican Hugues de St-Cher. Because of its more convenient form, Konrad’s concordance became more widely used. Five editions of the Halberstadt concordance were printed in the 15th century and several followed in the early 16th-century. [Source: Jeremy Norman – History of Science]
EUR 1.800,--
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