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Luke, Varia.

[Cyprus Content] – Luke, Harry Charles.

Sammelband / Compilation-Volume titled: “VARIA – H.C.Luke” – with Pamphlets, Offprints and articles authored by Sir Harry Luke and others on Cyprus, Malta and the general Middle East.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. [1932]. 24,5 cm x 17 cm. c. 240 pages. Original Hardcover. Harry Luke’s (Lukach) personal copy. With annotations and markings by Harry Luke. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear.

The Volume includes:

1. Sir Harry Luke: “Malta – An Historical Survey” (15 pages – in: The British Series No.135 – June 1960) /

2. Sir Harry Luke: “The Middle East, Then and Now – The Anniversary Lecture” (6 pages) /

3. H.C.Luke, C.M.G.: “The Old Man of the Mountains” (18 pages) /

4. Sir Harry Luke: “Review of “The One Remains – A Report from Jerusalem – By Stewart Perowne” (1 page inside a pamphlet Bible Lands – Quarterly Magazine of the Anglican Bishopric in Jerusalem No.3 – July 1954 with and article about “The Archdeaconry in Iraq and Eastern Arabia” (not by Luke) /

5. H.C.Luke – “Discrittione delle cose di Cipro con le ragioni in favore o contra diverse openioni, et delle provisioni, che erano necessarie per quel Regno – Translated with an Introduction and Notes from the copy of 1574 of the Manuscript of Ascanio Savorgnano in the Malta Public Library – Valletta, Malta, 1932” [The Institute of Historical Research – Malta – Bulletin No.5] /

6.[Cyprus-Content]: “Special Cyprus Number” from the year 1928 (November) of “Lines of Communication – Being a Diocesan Magazine of the Anglican Church in Jerusalem and throughout the Holy Land, Transjordan, Syria and Cyprus – Editors being Rev.W.H.Stewart and L.K.Pope, Jerusalem” – this Pamphlet is full of Cypriotic History and among it is an article by H.C.Luke, C.M.G. Officer Administering the Government of Palestine: “Cyprus in the Fourteenth Century” /
other articles in this pamphlet are:
A. “Sir Ronald Storrs – The Governor of Cyprus (including a printed photograph of Ronald Storrs″
B. Rev. Harold Buxton – “The English Church in Cyprus”
C. Miss P.M.Lyall M.A. – “Social Welfare Work in Cyprus″
D. The English School, Nicosia
E. H.O.Lee: Turkish Schools in Cyprus under the Turks
F. Harold G.Mountain (Inspector of Mines, Cyprus) – “The Lighter Side of Examinations″
G. Mrs. HHouston – “The Mother’s Union in Cyprus″

7. [Transjordan Content [Jordan]] – “Special Transjordan Number” from the year 1929 (May) of “Lines of Communication – Being a Diocesan Magazine of the Anglican Church in Jerusalem and throughout the Holy Land, Transjordan, Syria and Cyprus – Editor being Archdeacon W.H.Stewart, Jerusalem” – this Pamphlet is full of the History of Transjordan and among it is an article by H.C.Luke, C.M.G.: “A Note on the Caucasians in Transjordan” /
other articles in this Pamphlet are:

A. A Letter from Col. Cox, C.M.G. D.C.O. – British Resident in Transjordan – Amman, 1929
B. Transjordan Legislative Council
C. “A Night with the Locust Campaigners″
D. G.Horsfield – Director of Antiquities in Transjordan – “Mother of Camels – Umm el-Jimmal″
E. J.Kirkbride – “Transjordan Today″
F. C.N.Johns – “Christian and Paynim″
G. C.T.Bridgeman – “The Church in Transjordan”
H. J.E.Dinsmore – “Flowers of May″
I. [short article on Admiral of the Fleet Sir E.H.Seymour…who visited Cyprus in 1878]
J. “49 Years in Cyprus” (continued story from previous number)
K. short informations about Haifa, Jaffa and Amman

8. “In Memoriam Number to Bishop Mac Innes” – in: “Bible Lands – Quarterly Magazine of The Jerusalem and the East Mission – No.132 – April 1932 with an extensive article on life and work of Bishop Mac Innes with photographs throughout /

9. Principal’s Report of Harry Luke in December 1928 to “The Jerusalem Men’s College Magazine – Vol.III, No.1 1928 (Christmas Term) with a “Speech by H.C.Luke Esq., C.M.G. Chief Secretary, directed at the “Students of the English College” (with annotations by Luke in pencil)/

10. “Palestine – The Holy Land as It is To-day” – by H.C.Luke – Assistant Governor of Jerusalem, in: “Countries of the World – Edited by J.A.Hammerton – Volume 30” [22 pages with numerous photographs of Life in Palestine throughout]

11. bound at the end of the volume is a duplicate, a second copy of number 5: H.C.Luke – “Discrittione delle cose di Cipro con le ragioni in favore o contra diverse openioni, et delle provisioni, che erano necessarie per quel Regno – Translated with an Introduction and Notes from the copy of 1574 of the Manuscript of Ascanio Savorgnano in the Malta Public Library – Valletta, Malta, 1932” [The Institute of Historical Research – Malta – Bulletin No.5] /

12. H.C. Luke – “Cypriote Shrines” – London – The Faith Press – 1920 – Illustrated with the Author’s Photographs

EUR 275.000,-- 

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Luke, Varia.
Luke, Varia.
Luke, Varia.
Luke, Varia.
Luke, Varia.
Luke, Varia.
Luke, Varia.
Luke, Varia.
Luke, Varia.
Luke, Varia.
Luke, Varia.
Luke, Varia.
Luke, Varia.