[Nietzsche] Sloterdijk, Peter.
Nietzsche’s Materialism. Translation by Jamie Owen Daniel. Foreword by Jochen Schulte-Sasse.
Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1989. 23.5cm x 15.5cm. xxvi, 106 (2) pages. Original illustated hardcover in protective Mylar. Red gilt lettering on spine and front board. Excellent condition. Half title signed by the author. [Theory and History of Literature, Volume 56].
“Thinker on Stage” is Peter Sloterdijk’s audacious, empathetic reading of Friedrich Nietzsche’s first published work, “The Birth of Tragedy out of the Spirit of Music”. Intended originally as a postscript to a new edition of Nietzsche’s book, Sloterdijk’s text grew and became a book in its own right. Sloterdijk characterizes Nietzsche as a centaur – a philologist/musician, a philosopher/poet; the possessor of multiple talents inseparable from one another – who, in consequence, led the life of an obscure outsider on the fringes of organized cultural life. To Sloterdijk, Nietzsche is not a hairsplitting philologist behind a lecturn but rather a thinker on stage, enacting a psychodrama on the origins of tragedy in universal human suffering. Reaching beyond philology, and risking his career, Nietzsche used this stage to present a glimpse of Greek antiquity quite unlike that cherished in nineteenth-century bourgeois culture.
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