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[Malaysia, Malay Customs and Traditions.

[Malaysia] Alhady, Alwi Bin Sheikh.

Malay Customs and Traditions.

First Edition. Singapore, Eastern Universities Press Ltd, 1962. 12.5 x 18.5 cm. xv, 128 pages and 13 plates. Original softcover. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear.

Part One: General Malay Customs & Traditions:– Household and Kampong Customs, Piercing of Ear-lobes, Circumcision and Childbirth, Marriage Customs, Funeral Customs.
Part Two: Royal Malay Customs and Traditions:– Language Etiquette and Ancient Laws, The Nobat (Royal Band), Rules Governing Marriage, Tabalkan (Installation of a Monarch), Demise and Funeral of a Ruling Monarch.

EUR 78,-- 

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