West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Tipperary Historical Society. Tipperary Historical Journal 2000.

Tipperary Historical Society.

Tipperary Historical Journal 2000.

Tipperary, County Tipperary Historical Society, 2000. 24.5cm x 18.3cm. viii, 214 pages. Original illustrated softcover. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear.

Includes for example the following chapters: P.J. Meghan and South Tipperary County Council- Sean Gallagher/ An Paorach, muinteoir taistil, in Aonach Urmhumhan, 1906-1910- Cait Ni Laoghog/ Marlfield’s coloured embroidery industry and Lady Aberdeen- Nellie Beary-Cleirigh/ My Years in the National Movement before 1916- Eamon O Duibhir/ Two War Memorials at Kickham Barracks, Clonmel- Aine Maire Chadwick/ Charles Kickham- Proisias O Drisceoil/ Cahir Marine in American Civil War- Edward J. Shaughnessy/ The Nineteenth Century Butter Markets of South Tipperary- William Jenkins/ John Black Dillon and the ‘48 Rising- Brendan O Cathaoir/ Presyterianism in the Fethard Area, 1690-1919- David Butler/ The Famine in South Tipperary- Denis G. Marnane/ Woodcock Carden- A Balanced Account- Arthur Carden/ Clonmel’s Pay Schools- Urban Hedge Schools- Michael Ahern/ Parliamentary Representation for County Tipperary, 1560-1800- Michael O’Donnell/ The Theft of the Relic of Holy Cross Abbey- Ignatius Fennessy/ Graystown- a Later Medieval Settlement Near Fethard- Richard Clutterbuck/ A Summary of Investigations by the Lisheen Archaeological Project- John O Neill/ New Archaeological Finds at Killea Graveyard- Richard O’Brien/ Books Section etc.

EUR 78,-- 

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Tipperary Historical Society- Tipperary Historical Journal 2000