West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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[Brady, Works 9: Charles Brady.

[Brady, Charles] O’Regan, John. (Editor).

Works 9: Charles Brady.

Dublin, Gandon Edition, 1993. 15 cm x 20 cm. 31 pages. Original softcover. Excellent condition with only very minor signs of external wear. Clean inside with solid binding.

Includes examples of the following contents:– Desmond MacAvock / Charles Brady on Charles Brady / Blue Notepaper 1972 / Derelict Cottage 1962 / Summer Sea (Spain) 1961 / Dublins Hills 1962 / West Waterford Autumn / Pigeon Resting 1953 / Grey Pigeon 1953 / Pallisades, Study 1955 Blue Cheese 1978 / Two Half cookers 1985 / A Pair of Annie Oakleys 1989 / White Comb 1988 / Paperbacks II 1989 / French Pear 1990 / Farm Building Detail 1991 / At Malahide 1992 / Large Envelope 1971 etc.

  • Keywords: Art
  • Language: English
  • ISBN: 0946641307
  • Inventory Number: 44030AB

EUR 78,-- 

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O’Regan, Works 9: Charles Brady.