Clonliffe Harriers Athletic Club 1886-2013.
Dublin, Original Writing, 2013. 18 cm x 26 cm. XI, 245 pages. With many photographs. Original illustrated hardcover. Excellent condition with only very minor signs of external wear. Clean inside with solid binding.
Includes the following chapters: The Early Days / The Burton Years / A Dream Realised / The Morton Era / The First Ladies / Silverware and Club Races / Post Morton Era / The Next Generation / Clonliffe at the Olympics / Club Officers 1886 – 2013 / The Morton Mile / The 2 Mile Invitation Race / A Year in the Life by Noel Guiden / Killian’s Corner etc.
″Clonliffe Harriers is a Dublin-based athletics club. They were founded in 1886, and are the oldest athletic club in Ireland. They have been based in Morton Stadium since the 1950s. The club has top-class international coaches in all disciplines and a lively training programme for all levels. The club competes during the winter in cross country and road events. This involves all ages from under 10 to senior, veterans and all standards. Clonliffe also hosts the oldest road race in Ireland, the ‘Clonliffe 2 mile’, which takes place through Glasnevin every April.” (Wikipedia)
″As far as the sporting public is concerned Clonliffe Harriers needs no introduction. Since its foundation in 1886 the club’s history has unfolded in the fields and athletic arenas not only of Ireland but in countries throughout the world and the club has always lived up to its motto ‘Nil desperandum.’
The history of Irish athletics and that of Clonliffe Harriers are closely intertwined. From its very birth it has been involved in all aspects of our sport and as the years rolled by the club became more involved not only in competition, but in the promotion of local and international meetings which have witnessed many national and world record performances.” (Foreword)
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