West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Inwood, Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory Readings.

Inwood, Brad / Gerson, L. P.

Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory Readings. Translated with Introduction and Notes by Brad Inwood and L.P.Gerson.

Indianapolis, Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 1997. 8°. XXI, 441 pages, including Index. Original Softcover. Excellent condition with only minor signs of external wear.

Includes Content such as: Ancient Collections of Maxims // The Testimony of Cicero // The Polermic of Plutarch // Logic and Epistemology // Lives of the Stoics // Logic and Theory of Knowledge // Academic Scepticism: Arcesilaus and Carneades // etc.

EUR 78,-- 

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Inwood, Hellenistic Philosophy Introductory Readings.