West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Moody, The Course of Irish History.

Moody, T.W. / Martin, F.X. (Editors).

The Course of Irish History.

Tenth Impression. Cork, Mercier Press, 1977. 14.5 cm x 20 cm. 404 Pages plus 6 additional unnumbered pages of publisher’s advertising. Original Softcover. Excellent condition with only very minor signs of external wear.

Includes for example the following essays: A Geographer’s View of Irish History / Prehistoric Ireland / Early Irish Society (1st-9th Century) / The Beginning of Christianity (5th and 6th Centuries) / The Golden Age of Early Christian Ireland (7th and 8th Centuries) / The Age of the Viking Wars (9th and 10th Centuries) / The Anglo-Norman Invasion (1169-c.1300) / The Gaelic Resurgence and the Gerladine Supremacy (c.1400-1534) / etc.

EUR 78,-- 

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Moody, The Course of Irish History.