A Treatise on the Dropsy of the Brain, Illustrated by a Variety of Cases to which are added, Observations on the Use and Effects of the Digitalis Purpurea in Dropsies. By Charles William Quin, M.D. – Fellow of the King’s and Queen’s College of Physicians, Physician General of His Majesty’s Army in Ireland and of the Royal Hospital of Invalids, near Dublin.
First Edition. London, Printed for J.Murray and W.Jones, Dublin, 1790. Octavo. [1], 227 pages. Original Bookblock (Disbound). Needs new binding but the bookblock is in excellent condition with some minor flaws only. Former copy of the R.C.P.I. Kirkpatrick Bequest, now Deaccessioned and furnished with three stamps of the Kirkpatrick Bequest. An extremely rare book.
EUR 1.400,--