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Jordanien (4 items)

Luke, The Fringe Of The East.

2. [Oriental Tour 1907 – 1908] – [Lukach, Harry Charles / Sir Harry Luke] / [Harry Pirie-Gordon] / [Anastas Hanania (Jordan)].

Oriental Tour of Harry Charles Lukach, together with Harry Pirie-Gordon in the years 1907 – 1908 – Reflected in a large collection of Manuscript Letters Signed (MLS / See complete List of Letters below) / The envelope with letters was kept by Luke within the Manuscript-Annotated publication “The Fringe Of The East” and was always part of Luke’s personal collection in this constellation, hence we did not separate it. The collection of manuscript letters report back home from Damascus and his wider trip through the middle east in the years 1907 – 1908. [These letters reflect the formative years of Sir Harry Luke during his Travels through the Middle East, prior to World War One and shortly before starting his career in the British Colonial Administration in the year 1911 as A.D.C. (Assistant District Commissioner) in Cyprus under High Commissioner, Sir Hamilton Goold-Adams, who succeeded Sir Charles King-Harman in 1911 / Including also a letter of Palestinian-Jordanian Lawyer Anastas Hanania to Luke].

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Glasgow, Robert MacLehose & Co., Ltd., 1913. 22,5 cm x 15 cm. 267 pages. Original Hardcover. Harry Luke’s (Lukach) personal copy. With annotations and markings by Harry Luke. Split hinge, detached front board. Fair condition. Includes a large envelope with original letters Harry Luke sent home from his trip through the Near East / Levant.

EUR 275.000,-- 

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[Middle East with Kuwait] Naylor, Collection of two (2) large boxes of materials regarding Kuwait, Iraq (near Basrah), Lebanon, Jordan (Halat Ammar and Al Mudawwara), Jordan in general, Arava Valley

3. [Middle East Collection with Kuwait / Iran (Persia) / Yemen / Jordan] Naylor, David (Dave).

Collection of two (2) large boxes with rare and sometimes inscribed, Printed Materials and very rare Geological Surveys with Maps (for example it includes the very rare Geological Survey of Iran) from the private Reference- library of Geologist Prof. David (Dave) Naylor regarding Kuwait, Iraq (near Basrah), Lebanon, Jordan (Halat Ammar and Al Mudawwara), Jordan in general, Arava Valley (Dead Sea). See a full list of the contents below. These materials are all publications, sometimes official government papers or maps or academic publications from fellow geologists as well as for example official publications of talks given for OAPEC. All publications are revolving around the evaluation of Petroleum Deposits, Petroleum Geology and Stratigraphy or Hydrocarbon in the “Near and Middle East” – Maps and Charts and offprints, all of them rare publications and some only reprinted for private circulation. The focus of the publications ranges from very scientific-geological (″The Fauna of some Recent Marine Deposits near Basrah, Iraq”) to actual problems of prospecting (″Some Problems of Petroleum Geology in Kuwait”). These two boxes are only the Middle East Section of the David Naylor Collection (see all the Materials we own from the David Naylor-Reference library on our website). The collection also includes books related to the region (inquire for separate list).

Amman (Jordan) / Kuwait / Mexico / Potsdam, etc., c.1958 – 2011. Quarto. c. 1200 pages plus maps. Hardcover Boxes / Two bespoke made Boxes for the private reference library of Geologist David (Dave) Naylor. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear.

EUR 68.000,-- 

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