82. Sommer, James van / Spohr, Louis / Keller, Karl / Beethoven, Ludwig van / Hummel, Johann Nepomuk / Weber, Carl Maria von / Eberwein, Traugott Maximilian / etc.
Manuscript of: “Songs &c., chiefly by German Composers. With English Words by James van Sommer, by whom also the Music was ruled and transcribed”. / 19th century Manuscript by british composer James van Sommer with transcriptions of German Lieder in poetry form and score. Marvellous original manuscript with early transcriptions into english of some unusual composers. The manuscript in a beautiful and steady hand in ink/ Originales Manuskript von Transkriptionen teilweise ungewoehnlicher Lieder deutscher und europaeischer Komponisten des spaeten 18. und fruehen 19.Jahrhunderts. Wundervolle, sehr akkurate Handschrift.
[England, possibly Hoxton], James van Sommer, 1837. Octavo. 157 pages. Modern, unsophisticated Hardcover with new endpapers. Excellent condition.