93. Goodman, Nelson / [Provenance: Henry David Aiken Collection].
Collection of First editions of Papers and Essays on and by american philosopher Nelson Goodman. The Collection includes: 1. Nelson Goodman – “On Relations that Generate” (Numbers 5-6 of Volume IX of Philosophical Studies, 1958) / 2. Nelson Goodman – “Discussion on Infirmities of Confirmation Theory” [Carnap] (Offprint from “Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 1947) / 3. Hugues Leblanc – A Revised Version of Goodman’s Confirmation Paradox (Number 4 of Volume XIV of Philosophical Studies, 1963) /
Minnesota a.o., Philosophical Studies / Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 1947 – 1963. Octavo. Original Offprints / Stapled Wrappers. Very good condition with some minor signs of wear only. From the library of Professor Henry David Aiken. [Philosophical Studies – Edited by Wilfried Sellars and Herbert Feigl].