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Genealogy – Rare (20 items)

The Life and Times of Sir Peter Carew - with two manuscript letters by historian George Oliver, Exeter

2. [Carew, Sir Peter / George Oliver (Historian) / John Carew Esq.] MacLean, John.

The Life and Times of Sir Peter Carew, Kt. (From the Original Manuscript) – With a Historical Introduction and Elucidatory Notes, by John MacLean. [Personal copy of John Carew Esq., with two unpublished manuscript letters by historian George Oliver, Exeter (Devon), tipped-in to the rear of the Volume, one longer manuscript entry to the rear in which George Oliver mentions that he has consulted the Inventory of Ottery Mohan House and that he has “made a few pencil notes in the margin” of the book (Oliver must have been sent the book and then returned it or it was his own copy and he gifted it to John Carew)/ George Oliver helped John Carew, Esq., a descendant of Sir Peter Carew, to identify some information form the original manuscript of John Hoker, to which Oliver must have had access. The letters deal with details of John Hoker’s [Hooker’s] Manuscript on Sir Peter Carew and details in John MacLean’s Biography of Carew. George Oliver’s correspondence with John Carew, a descendant of Sir Peter, is very interesting indeed and Oliver seems to study the original manuscript by Hoker for John Carew and reports his insight in the original manuscript of Hoker’s Manuscript on History, mentioning for example Carew’s death-notice: “This year died the worthy and Honorable Knight Sir Peter Carew at Ross in Leinster, and buried in the City of Waterford in Munster in Ireland, in all such honourable order…” (see detailed images on our website)].

London, Bell & Daldy, 1857. Octavo. Frontispiece portrait of Sir Peter Carew (Steel Engraving by J.J.Chant, being Plate I.), CXVIII, 317 pages plus 6 pages “List of Subscribers”. With several Plates: Plate II: Musical Notes: “By a Bank as I lay” / Plate III: Monument to Sir Peter Carew in St.Peter’s Cathedral, Exeter (Steel Engraving) / Plate IV: Folded Map of Kylkenny (Kilkenny) / Plate V: Pedigree of the Family of Carew (Large Fold – out Plate). Hardcover / Original publisher’s cloth with gilt lettering on spine and armorial emblemata on front board. With the armorial supralibro of the Carew Family to the binding’s front board: Arms of Carew: Or, three lions passant in pale sable / Manuscript-entry of previous owner John Carew on endpaper. Boards fragile and spine loosened. In protective Collector’s Mylar to give the slightly broken binding stability. A very rare publication with the beautiful, signed manuscript-letters by George Oliver, signed in the years 1857 and 1858. The letters are also of interest regarding the history of John Hoker [John Hooker / John Vowell] because George Oliver mentions Hoker’s entry “into the New Office of Chamberlain of Exeter at Michaelmas 1555 – having the fee of £4 by the yere & his Lyveries – MS. Hist. p.351”.

EUR 250,-- 

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[Luke, Genealogy / Family History / Newspaper - Cuttings

6. [Family History of Sir Harry Luke / Zamarski] – [Luke, Harry / Lukach, Harry / Joseph Harry Lukach (from Detroit, Michigan) / Eugenie Zamarski / Ludwig Johann Carl Zamarski (Publisher and Engraver from Vienna)].

Scrapbook with Genealogy / Family History / Large amount of Newspaper – Cuttings from the early days of J.H.Lukach’s marriage to Eugenie Zamarski in Vienna to the time of the move to New York. Including several pages of articles Harry Lukach wrote for a New York Newspaper and a wonderful postcard of the “S.S.Celtic” on which Luke travelled to his first job in New York in 1903. He writes that the Celtic is approaching Queenstown (Cobh) / Including Newspaper cuttings of Harry Luke’s father’s business with the London branch Hanover Fire Insurance Company of New York / Ephemera of The Lawrence Gas Company of Lancashire and Cheshire, Limited / Imuris Mines, Limited – Silver, Copper, Gold / Mining World / Interesting Ephemera like Calling cards and Invitation cards of New York Society extended to the Lukach family (for example calling cards of “The Metropolitan Museum of Art”, “The Manhattan Club” etc.) / Invitation by J.H.Lukach and his wife to the wedding of their daughter Lily Boys / etc. etc.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Wien / London / New York , c.1880 – 1930. Octavo. 100 pages. Hardcover. From the private collection of Eugenie Zamarski and Joseph Harry Lukach and subsequently their son: colonial official, governor, Lieutenant-Governor of Malta, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

EUR 28.000,-- 

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Album Amicorum of C. L. von Zander (recorded in the area of Vienna, Bielitz, Biala and Lemberg between 1814 and 1822

7. [Family History of Sir Harry Luke / de Zander] – [Luke, Harry] Zander, C.L.v. / Bielitz / Bielsk / Lemberg / Polish Ancestry with Louis de Zander (Deutsch Eylau/Old Prussia) and connections to the swedish “Zander” – family].

Album Amicorum from the early 19th century of the De Zander Family from Poland, Bielitz, Lemberg Vienna and other areas / Album Amicorum von C.L. von Zander mit insgesamt 40 Eintraegen von Mitgliedern der Familie von Zander [de Zander] und Freunden aus der Umgebung von Bielitz, Lemberg, Biala und Wien/ Album Amicorum of C. L. von Zander (recorded in the area of Vienna, Bielitz, Biala and Lemberg between 1814 and 1822. Eintraege von Louis von Zander, Caroline de Zander (nee de Zander), Ludwig von Zander (Bielitz, 23.September 1814), Carl von Zander (Pless im Maerz, 1816), Josef Krammer, Christian Traugott Schuberth, Caroline von Zander, Caroline Schluse (Pless, 1816), Jon, Henr. Zander (Bielitz, 1818) [Johann Heinrich Zander] / Carl Johann Zander / Charlotte von Zander (Bielitz, 1814) / Friederica von Zander (Mother of the owner of this Album Amicorum – possibly Frederica Elizabeth Klimke) / etc. Weitere Eintraege von Carl Ferdinand Sennewaldt, Johann Millikowski (Lemberg, 1814), Carl Sartory, Anton Manhardt, Jacob Thomke (Biala, 1816), Franz Kuenzl, Rosalie Jeney (Lemberg, 1814), Gottfried Samuel Bauer (Bielitz, 1814) etc., Franz Krippner, (Wien, 1822).

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Wien / Lemberg / Bielitz / Biala, [Album auf Papier von J. Pospischil], c. 1814-1822. Quer – Octavo. Mehr als 100 Blatt, davon 40 mit handschriftlichen Eintraegen. / More than 100 leaves with 40 manuscript – entries of families of the von Zander / de Zander Family. Original Hardcover / Originaler, sehr dekorativer Ganzlederband mit reicher Vergoldungund Verzierung / Stunning full morocco with extensive decorations and gilt lettering and ornament to both boards. Exzellente Erhaltung / Excellent condition of the early 19th century Manuscript – Album of a member of the “de Zander” – Family. The Album comes with a very interesting pamphlet, a historical account by Louis de Zander about his families life and genealogical histories from his ancestry in Poland to his family’s troubles in Bielsk / Bielitz. From the personal collection of Sir Harry Luke.

EUR 28.000,-- 

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[Luke, Collection of manuscript and printed materials regarding a genealogical research Sir Harry Luke

8. [Family History Sir Harry Luke / Zander] – [Luke, Sir Harry / Lukach, Harry] Motherby, Helene / The Society of Genealogists / Aristocratic Research of Family de Zander / Family History Zandrowitsch – Zander/.

Collection of manuscript and printed materials regarding a genealogical research for the aristocratic Family ‘Zandrowitsch – Zander’. Sir Harry Luke who was related to the Zander family was assisted by a lady from Koenigsberg in Prussia. The lady in question,Genealogist Helene Motherby from Koenigsberg, writes in a letter from April 6th, 1910 to Luke’s posting in Sierra Leone and has some excellent news regarding her research of the Zander family. The letter includes a manuscript family tree of the Zander family (Carl Lazarus von Zander etc.) / In a second letter from 23rd of October1911, Helene Motherby requested information from a Heraldic Office in St.Petersburg. The original answer was written in Russian and a translation into german is accompanying the original document in which Helene Motherby was informed that information regarding an aristocratic family can only be granted if the requestor can proof his/her aristocratic ancestry connected to the family in question. The request was in detail answered by pointing to the relevant Genealogical Offices in Livland / Estland / Gouvernement Kiew. / Helene Motherby apologizes for the ‘meager’ result and urges Sir Harry Luke to become a member of ‘The Society of Genealogists’ in London. She encloses the first quarterly report of ‘The Society of Genealogists of London’ which also lists the members (among them Fraulein Helene Motherby) and also includes two prefilled application forms for Sir Harry that would allow him to join the Society (Helene Motherby has signed both papers as a guarantor). /

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Koenigsberg, 1910 / 1911. Octavo. 4 manuscript documents (incl. Manuscript postcard from Motherby to Luke and a manuscript family tree of the Zander family) / 2 signed applications for the ‘Society of Genealogists London’ / Ephemera Statutes of the Society of Genealogists of London / Original envelope. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

EUR 28.000,-- 

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Rosemary ffolliott, The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families [with Meade Family History]

9. ffolliott, Rosemary [Poole].

The Pooles of Mayfield and other Irish Families. With a Preface by Basil M. O’Connell.

Dublin, Hodges and Figgis & Co., 1958. 4°. Frontispiece-Portrait of Joanna Meade Townsend, 294 pages with XIII plates showing 53 portraits and illustrations. The Volume contains over eighty “Pedigrees” [Genealogical Tables with Family Trees connecting to two thousand persons from families like: Allen, Baldwin, Barry, Becher, Bowdler, Boyle, Browne, Brydges, Capenhurst, Chavasse, Clayton, Conner of Connerville, Corker, Courthope, Cummins, Daunt, Davies, Dunscombe, Field, FitzGerald, Fleming, ffolliott, Freke [Capt. John ffreke of Knocknameel with a complete Pedigree starting with Robert Freke of Shroton] / , Fowle, Hayman, Hewitt, Holmes, Hull, Hungerford, Jellett, Langton, Latham, Lucas, McCall, Meade, Moore, Morgan, Morris, Morrison, Nevill, Nisbett, Newton, Poole, Riggs, Rogers, St.John, Sarsfield, Somerville, Stannard, Symes, Synge, Townsend, Townshend, Travers, Turner, Vaughan, Waring, Wynn and others], List of Subscribers and a comprehensive Index with reference to over four hundred surnames are also included. Original Hardcover with the rare dustjacket. Original blue cloth with only very minor traces of external wear and overall in excellent condition (minor staining to the binding). Interior unbelievably clean and bright with no markings. No.488 of only 500 numbered copies. This extremely rare publication is a key-publication of Irish Genealogy and has set new standards of genealogical research. In the Obituary for Rosemary ffolliott, the Irish Times wrote in 2009: “In 1958, when she was 23 years of age, Rosemary ffolliott compiled “The Pooles of Mayfield”, a history of Settler Families in the Cork area. The publication of this Munster gentry, which some who appeared in it described as “the Dead Sea Scrolls”, initiated a career in the difficult field of Irish genealogy, made the more arduous by the destruction of records at the Four Courts. Her dedication to a discipline that had been considered vague, imprecise and colourful, had an acknowledged effect in raising the standards of genealogy in Ireland. Her research methods were meticulous and she is remembered as a genius in the use of the Registry of Deeds in Henrietta Street. In 1966 she became a Fellow of the Irish Genealogical Research Society, the first woman to be recognised in this way.” The publication is an important source for the History of Family-Connections for the two Irish Country-House-Libraries we currently have on offer: “The Richard Meade Collection (Ballymartle)” and “The Danile Conner – Collection (Connerville and Manch House)”. Both families are mentioned as subscribers to this publication [″H.L.Conner, Esq. – Manch House, Ballineen, Co.Cork” and “Mrs. G.W.Meade – Pitch Place Farm, Thursley, Surrey / Captain J.A.Meade – Chatley, Metchosin, British Columbia / Mrs. Meade – Templenoe House, Fermoy, Co. Cork”]. Especially the many portraits of members of the Meade-Family,as well as the family-connection to the Townshend / Townsend-Family in Castletownshend, near Skibbereen, make this an invaluable source for Irish Genealogy.

EUR 385,-- 

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