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Catalogue Six – Photography (193 items)

Manuscript Autobiography, Diary and vintage photo album of the Chapman - Barwise

12. Barwise, Lucy Weston / [Lucy Chapman, George Chapman, Henry Chapman]

Manuscript Autobiography, Diary and vintage photo album of the Chapman – Barwise Family. A cultured London woman’s autobiography and diary including a first hand account of ‘Fiesche’s attempt to assassinate Louis Phillippe’ which she observed while at school in Paris as a child. The manuscript has a mournful postscript by the man she left behind, her husband: ‘Alas! that I George Chapman should have to finish the record of so dear a Life…’ by Lucy Weston Barwise (1822-1876) wrote in a lockable, lined octavo notebook, crushed morocco, marbled endpapers and edges. Her autobiography was begun in January 1872 at one end of the book (16 pages); her diary appears at the other end of the book from October 22 1871-April 1874 with her husband’s postscript dating from June 1880. There is a second volume of family accounts in a lockable octavo sized ledger and a folio sized volume of family photographs, most unlabelled. Barwise’s autobiography recounts her education in Paris in the Rue Taitbout where she witnessed ‘Fiesche’s attempt to assassinate Louis Phillippe’ while watching from her music master’s house opposite the Porte St Martin, noting ‘the Duc D’Orleans [who] looked very handsome’ but shortly afterwards ‘heard a loud report and then a shout… general commotion but the crowd was so thick and immoveable’ and then ‘the King and stiff rode slowly back along the line but looking very white.’ It was only later that she discovered the casualties of ‘Fieschi’s infernal machine… It was a row of gun barrels arranged along a window so as to be discharged all at once.’ Barwise also watched the subsequent funeral from her attic window, the ‘open hearse with its draperies of black and silver’. The highlight of Chapman’s diary is a detailed account of the deaths she witnessed during the ‘Thanksgiving Day for the recovery of the Prince of Wales’ on February 27th, 1872, as seen from her husband George Chapman’s ‘office windows in Cockspur St’ behind Trafalgar Square which overlooked the procession. There she witnessed the lack of barriers and observes with horror the police charging into the surging crowd ‘The big policemen threw themselves against the men; the horses even made to dance and back heel it was a fearful struggle’with a baby almost crushed to death in front of her. There is an interesting secondhand account of Paris under the Commune via one of her daughters and frequent visits to London art exhibitions as on July 8 1871 where she saw an ‘exhibition of old masters at the Royal Academy… Crome, Ruysdael, heads by Moroni, of Titian’s Schoolmaster, Burgomaster by Rembrandt… the two heads.. by Giorgine belonging to Lord Ashburton, such colour and such expression. There are trips to Ascot and the Boat Race, a curry with friends in Wandsworth and a recitation by ‘Mr Bradman [of] the Merchant of Venice for the benefit of the Workman’s Club. It was very clever… Shylock was good but my recollection of actors, Charles Kemble, C.Kean &c made this more familiar and perhaps a little more like ranting’.

[London], c. 1871 – 1872. Octavo. Diary I: 44 pages / Diary II: 24 pages / Photoalbum: 48 pages with 120 original cabinet photographs (including a photograph of a british Forest School). Hardcover / Original full leather. All three Volumes slightly rubbed but all in very good condition. The cabinet photographs all in excellent condition and from dozens of different victorian photographers in Bath (Friese Greene), Bonn (Emil Koch), Astley (Photograpic Landscape Artist in Astley, Essex), and many others. The one diary is really a cash ledger of George Chapman where he kept track for the Chapman family with listings of expenses for Hampstead House, Henry Chapman, Edward Chapman, Oswald D. Chapman, Mrs. Barrett Chapman, Edith Louisa Chapman.

EUR 950,-- 

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Collection of interesting and important publications on and by Walter Benjamin

16. Benjamin, Walter / Rang, Florens Christian / Rosenzweig, Franz.

Collection of interesting and important publications on and by Walter Benjamin, one of the most influential philosophers and aesthetic influencers of the 20th century. While the collection already contains a number of important publications, literary criticism and even a signed and annotated working-copy of Franz Rosenzweig’s “Stern der Erlösung” by Benjamin’s friend Florens Christian Rang, the collection is a work in progress and we invite offers from collectors and dealers. You can see detailed photography and descriptions in our section “Libraries & Collections”. So far the collection includes: 1. A stunning set of “Die Literarische Welt”, with many first edition articles by Benjamin and his contemporaries. Two Volumes with 94 Issues in total (31 issues in duplicate / 31 Hefte doppelt). Berlin, Ernst Rowohlt, 1925 – 1927. This original set of the early and fragile periodical with an abundance of essays, articles and reviews by Benjamin, are some of the finest examples of Benjamin’s exciting and versatile voice, forward and opinionated reflections on film and literature etc. / 2. Fantastic Collection of eight [pristine] Volumes of Philosophical Writings and Biographical Works by and on Walter Benjamin [I.Walter Benjamin – Selected Writings. Volume I (1913-1926), Volume II (1927-1934), Volume III (1935-1938) and Volume IV (1938-1940) – Translated by Rodney Livingstone and others – Edited by Marcus Bullock and Michael W.Jennings, Howard Eiland and Gary Smith / V. The Correspondence of Walter Benjamin (1910-1940) – Edited and Annotated by Gershom Scholem and Theodor W.Adorno – Translated by Manfred R.Jacobson and Evelyn M. Jacobson / VI. Walter Benjamin – Early Writings (1910 – 1917) – Translated by Howard Eiland and Others / VII. Theodor W. Adorno & Walter Benjamin – The Complete Correspondence (1928 – 1940) / VIII. Walter Benjamin – The Arcades Project – Translated by Howard Eiland and Kevin McLaughlin] / 3.[Benjamin, Walter] Baudelaire, Charles. Tableaux Parisiens. Deutsche Übertragung mit einem Vorwort über “Die Aufgabe des Übersetzers” von Walter Benjamin. / 4. Doderer, Klaus – Walter Benjamin und die Kinderliteratur. Aspekte der Kinderkulter in den zwanziger Jahren / 5. Berger, Willy R. – Walter Benjamin als Übersetzer Baudelaires [Aufsatz in: Teilnahme und Spiegelung. Festschrift für Horst Rüdiger] / Missac, Pierre. Walter Benjamin’s Passages. / 6. [Benjamin, Walter] Leinweber, J. Walter Benjamin – Sammlung J. Leinweber. [Mit einem Vorwort von Iring Fetscher]. Marburg, Antiquariat Dr. Jörg Leinweber, 1996. / 7. Walter Benjamin, Neuester Orbis Pictus oder Die Welt in Bildern für fromme Kinder. Aus der Sammlung von Walter Benjamin. Faksimiledruck im Inselverlag. / 8. [Rang, Florens Christian / Benjamin, Walter] Rosenzweig, Franz. Der Stern der Erlösung [Hand-Exemplar / Arbeitsexemplar des Walter Benjamin-Freundes “Florens Christian Rang”. Voll signiert von Rang auf dem Titelblatt. Besitzvermerk Rang’s in Tinte. Mit interessanten Text-Markierungen Rang’s in Buntstift und Bleistift, sowie zwei Annotationen zu Text-Verweisen im hinteren Einbanddeckel. Bedeutender Fund für die Florens Christian Rang-Forschung da Walter Benjamin beide, Franz Rosenzweig und Florens Christian Rang in einem Atemzug als bedeutende Kämpfer “gegen die Idolatrie des Geistes” nennt. Die Anstreichungen in Rosenzweig’s Werk bestätigen Benjamin’s Auffassung da Sie uns erlauben Rang’s Wandlung vom Nationalisten zum politisch moderat eingestellten Konservativen teilweise nachvollziehen zu koennen. Die Publikation Rosenzweigs fällt ausserdem in die kritische Phase von Rang’s Wandlung. Die “Deutsche Bauhütte”, Rang’s publizistisches Testament seiner Entfernung vom Nationalismus, erscheint nur drei Jahre später./ Association-copy with extremely interesting text-markings and some annotations to rear pastedown by Walter Benjamin’s friend, “Florens Christian Rang”/ Of utmost interest for the evaluation of Rang’s development from nationalist to empathetic centrist. Benjamin famously mentions both, Florens Christian Rang and Franz Rosenzweig as equally important influences for his Generation in “fighting the Idolatry of the Spirit/Mind”. This makes Rang’s personal copy of Rosenzweig’s masterpiece an enormously interesting find; possibly even a key to Rang’s ideological and religious transformation]. Erste Ausgabe. Frankfurt am Main, J.Kauffmann Verlag, 1921. / 9. [Benjamin, Walter] – Walter Benjamin’s Archive – Images – Texts – Signs. Translated by Esther Leslie. Edited by Ursula Marx – Gudrun Schwarz – Michael Schwarz – Erdmut Wizisla. / 10. Walter Benjamin – Angelus Novus. Mit 4 ganzseitigen Holzschnitten von Gisela Oberbeck. Signierte, limitierte Auflage von nur 90 Exemplaren. / 11. Hans Puttnies & Gary Smith – Benjaminiana. /

Berlin and others, 1923 – 1980. Octavo. Original Hardcover / Original Softcover. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear.

EUR 14.500,-- 

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