4. Helweg, Hjalmaro.
Sexagenario D. XI Februar. A.D. MCMXLVI (1946). Dedicata [Festschrift – This commemoration volume includes the following essays: Nils Antoni – Dreamy States, epileptic aura, Depersonalisation and Psychastenic Fits / Bengt J. Lindberg – On the question of psychologically conditioned features in the korsakow syndroma / Hermann Reistrup – Der Rorschach-test als Hilfsmittel bei der Diagnostitzierung von Milieureaktionen / Jens Chr. Smith – On the discharge of psychiatric patients after hospitalization for years, Herman Levison – Vasomotor Jacksonian epilepsy, Alfred Petren – Über Alkoholparanoia, etc. etc. ] Obtulerunt amici Discipuli Collegae – Colligenda curavit Georg K. Stürup.
Hafniae (Copenhagen), Munksgaard, 1946. Gr.-8°. 816 pages. Softcover. Slightly rubbed. Uncut publishers edition. Several essays in english french and german.