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Palestine (34 items)

[Luke, Manuscipt Letter Signed (MLS) / Autographed Letter Signed (ALS) sent to Harry Luke

24. [Palestine Content] – [Luke, Harry Charles] Wilson, Sir Arnold Talbot.

Manuscript Letter Signed (MLS) / Autographed Letter Signed (ALS) addressed to Harry Luke at “The Athenaeum” to congratulate him on becoming the next Lieutenant-Governor of Malta. Wilson uses the occasion to also spread his “Anti-Zionism” by bragging about a lecture he just held in front of the Palestine Society: “Dear Luke, I want to congratulate you very heartily on your appointment to Malta, to which I may be permitted to add an expression of my personal delight at the report of the Palestine Commission so far as it refers to you. I was confident that you would emerge with credit, & indeed nailed my colours to the mast by lecturing to the [?] Palestine Society in January, in a sense far from [?] to Zionism, & saying that I was confident that the Commission would absolve the principal officials, and that the Zionists had made a great error in making an attack on them. I believe I am the only Anti-Zionist who has ever spoken to them! I can send you if you like a copy of my notes ! It is curious that having had your fill of Jewry you should be posted to Malta where the Vatican will be your principal preoccupation. May God – the God of sound Protestants – speed you ! Yours sincerely A.T.Wilson”.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. London [Britannic House], 13th of June, 1930. Quarto. 2 pages on one page of Stationery from Wilson’s office at Britannic House. From the personal collection of Sir Harry Luke.

EUR 275.000,-- 

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Typed Letter Signed (TLS) on Stationery of The Governorate, Jerusalem, from Sir Ronald Henry Amherst Storrs to Sir Harry Luke.

27. [Palestine Content / Ecclesiastical] – [Luke, Sir Harry / Lukach, Harry] Storrs, Sir Ronald Henry Amherst.

Typed Letter Signed (TLS) and partly Autographed Letter on Stationery of The Governorate, Jerusalem, from Sir Ronald Henry Amherst Storrs to Sir Harry Luke. The two-page letter was written by Storrs in August 1925, during his posting as Governor of Jerusalem and reached Sir Harry while he was holidaying in Alt-Aussee (Austria). During this period, Luke was Colonial Secretary in Sierra Leone. Storrs writes: “My dear Harry – If this gets you in time please introduce yourselves to the Duchess of Rutland, a very dear friend of mine, and deeply interested in Jerusalem. “On behalf of the Council of the Pro-Jerusalem Society I have much pleasure in giving you permission to use the article and map produced by you for the second volume of the Annales on the Holy Sepulchre……[Storrs continues]: “The Plumers arrived the day before yesterday…. [that is Field Marshal Lord Plumer who was High Commissioner of the British Mandate for Palestine in 1925]…… and were well received by both sides……” [In Mandatory Palestine Plumer gained a reputation as being “genuinely even handed” and was one of the few British administrators who was consistently popular with both the Jewish community and the Arab community in that territory. Privately, he was sympathetic to the cause of establishing a homeland for the Jewish people; however, he tried his best to “be fair” to Arab concerns as well while he was High Commissioner there (source: Wikipedia)]. Storrs continues: “The Hendersons also to hand. The Worlds worker, now about to become a Mamur Hajz or Seizure Officer, rejects your cowric shells…..with all the contempt of a Mutamaddin for the Mutawahhishin…..I do hope you will secure in arriving Leone”

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Jerusalem, 27th August, 1925. Quarto. 1 sheet (2 pages partialyy typed, partially in manuscript hand by Storrs). From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

EUR 275.000,-- 

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Manuscript Letter Signed (MLS) from Sir Harry Luke's Great Uncle Vilmos.

28. [Palestine Content / Malta Content] – [Luke, Sir Harry / Lukach, Harry] Vilmos, William de.

Important Manuscript Letter Signed (MLS / Autographed Letter Signed (ALS) on the Palestine and Malta-Postings from Sir Harry Luke’s Great Uncle William de Vilmos. The letter, written in german, was addressed to Luke just after he was appointed Lieutenant-Governor of Malta in the year 1931. Remarkably, the letter touches on William de Vilmos being happy that in this year 1931 his nephew Harry Luke, has now escaped Palestine “this impossible place, where the bloody disputes will be neverending…” / “…such life-endangering scenes you had to endure [in Palestine] will hardly occur during your posting in Malta” [free translation]”. The letter reads: ‘Budapest, 20. Jaenner 1931 – Mein geliebter Harry. Du hast mir mit Deinem lieben Brief vom 9. dieses eine grosse Stueck Freude bereitet & ich danke Dir dafuer herzlichst. Deine Neujahrswuensche erwidere ich aufs Herzlichste fuer Dich, wie fuer die liebe Joyce, Peter & Michael. Sehr freut es mich, dass der Aufenthalt in Malta, sowohl was Klima als Behausung, Garten etc. betrifft, jeden Einzelnen von Euch sehr conveniert & Euch viel Vergnuegen bereitet. In der schwierigen Weltlage in der wir jetzt leben, gibt es jetzt ueberall Schwierigkeiten die unausweichbar sind, aber jedenfalls bin ich froh und gluecklich, dass Du von Palaestina, diesem unmoeglichen Fleck Erde, wo die blutigen Zwistigkeiten kaum jemals aufhoeren werden, gluecklich und & lebendig weggekommen bist. Solche Szenen, wie Du durchzuleben gezwungen warst, in fortwaehrender Lebensgefahr Dich befindend, wirst Du in Malta nicht ausgesetzt sein. Ich wuensche Deiner Thaetigkeit den allerbesten Erfolg. Deine liebe Mutter habe ich waehrend den Weihnachtsfeiertagen, die ich in Wien verbrachte, mehrmals gesehen, war mit ihrem Aussehen & ihrem Gemuetsstand recht zufrieden. Mir geht es gottlob gesundheitlich sehr gut. Ich kann selbst ueber mein Alter nicht klagen, denn ich habe gottlob trotz meiner 92 Jahre ueber Altersbeschwerden keinerlei Klagen zu erheben. Leb wohl mein lieber guter Harry, ich gruesse & kuesse Dich & die theuere Joyce in aller Liebe – Dein Onkel Vilmos”.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Budapest, 20. Jaenner 1931. Octavo. 1 sheet with a three-page letter. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

EUR 275.000,-- 

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Shuckford, The Sacred and Profane History of the World connected

31. Shuckford, Samuel.

The Sacred and Profane History of the World connected, Frome the Creation of the World to the Dissolution of the Assyrian Empire at the Death of Sardanapalus, and to the Declension of the Kingdoms of Judah and Israel, under the Reigns of Ahaz and Pekah. [Together with: “The Creation and Fall of Man” – “A Supplemental Discourse to the Preface of the First Volume of the Sacred and Prophane History of the World connected”].

The Third Edition. 3 Volumes (of 4). London, Printed for J. and R. Tonson and S. Draper in the Strand, 1753. Octavo. LXIV,366, [10], LV, 461, [10], CXXXII, 295, [16] pages. Each Volume with its own Index. Includes two folded maps in Volume One: First Map: “A Plan of the present Chanels [sic] of the Rivers Hiddekel or Tigris and Euphrates exhibiting the Site of Moses Garden and River of Eden” / Second Map: “The Situation of the Land & Garden of Eden together with the Rivers of Paradise as they are imagined to have been Situate by some Writers who thought that the Garden of Eden was planted in that which was afterwards called the Holy Land”. Original Hardcover / 18th century full leather with new spinelabels. All three Volumes are now in protective Mylar. with dustjacket. All Volumes with some damage to spine but all still firm and holding. Overall some faint staining and foxing only at very few locations because of the excellent paper-quality of this publication. From the library of Daniel Conner (Connerville / Manch House), with his Exlibris / Bookplate to pastedown.

EUR 340,-- 

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[Luke, Manuscript Letter signed (MLS) from Naval Secretary Sir Frank Larken

32. [Sierra Leone Content] – [Luke, Sir Harry / Lukach, Harry] Larken, Vice-Admiral Sir Frank [KCB CMG / Naval Secretary].

Manuscript Letter signed (MLS) from Naval Secretary Sir Frank Larken to Sir Harry Luke. The letter addressed to Luke’s posting in Freetown, Sierra Leone [Envelope reads: ‘Harry C Luke Esq. CMG – The Colonial Secreatry – Sierra Leone’ – stamped: ‘Naval Secretary to First Lord’]. Sir Frank Larken congratulates Harry Luke on receiving the CMG [‘Companion’– Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George]. Larken writes: ‘My dear Luke – I send my best congratulations to you and Mrs. Luke on the CMG: it gave me great pleasure to see your name in the honours list. I see you are recurring your acquaintance with Sierra Leone. I can imagine that with your interaction + talent there are many more congenial spots you would have chosen – which your wife would prefer. Does the engaging native still talk the language the amusing sample of which you used to amuse us by giving: ‘I am in a bureau – s Secretary – To a Cabinet Minister’ – You will smile. Nasmith [that is Admiral Sir Martin Eric Dunbar-Nasmith VC, KCB, KCMG (1 April 1883 – 29 June 1965)] has just gone to command the College at Dartmouth [Britannia Royal Naval College Commander from 1926 – 1929] – a very good appt. + [?] the man for it. What a nipping time you gave Martin Nasmith + myself in Jerusalem. Kind regards to Mrs. Luke. Yours Frank Larken’.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Whitehall, On Whitehall Admiralty Stationery, 1926. Octavo. 2 pages (1 sheet with writing on both sides) and envelope. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

EUR 275.000,-- 

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