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Manuscripts – History (14 items)

Barry, Wonderful collection of original, signed manuscript Letters by Tom Barry

2. Barry, Tom / Hayes Katty / Leslie Mary de Barra (née Price) / [Cumann na mBan]/ West Cork Flying Column / [Kilmichael Ambush] / Pope John Paul II.

Wonderful collection of original, signed manuscript Letters by Tom Barry and his wife Leslie de Barra, addressed to Rosscarbery Woman Katty Hayes, a fellow member Cumann na mBan [The Irishwomen’s Council], together with a rare and important local History – Pamphlet on Rosscarbery by Katty Hayes, titled: “Ross of the Pilgrims” (signed and inscribed by Katty Hayes in 1977 the pamphlet includes wonderful oral history accounts put in writing by Ms.Hayes; about Coppinger’s Court, Lord Carbery in Castlefreke, Cregane House, History of the Convent of Mercy in Rosscarbery, Father John Power, Names of local landlords in the area etc.). The collection also comes with a rare vintage photograph of Katty Hayes, surrounded by some unidentified fellow members of The Irish Women’s Council [Cumann na mBan] and other Irish Republican Organizations (all wearing their medals). The collection also includes three Appreciation-Letters which Miss Hayes received back from the Vatican in the years 1969, 1977 and 1988. Miss Hayes had written to the Pontifex Paul VI as well as to Pope John Paul II and received Blessings and thanks for her Christmas – wishes to the Holy Father.

Rosscarbery (West Cork), 1969 – 1980. Octavo. Two Manuscript Letters (One signed by Tom Barry and one signed by Leslie Price) / Three Letters from Assessors of the Pope / One vintage Black and white photograph / One pamphlet called “Ross of the Pilgrims” with 51 pages of local History, forgotten Poems and songs and stories by Katty Hayes about Tom Barry and his family – relations in Rosscarbery, his friendship to Michael Collins and the local Rosscarbery community etc. etc. Original Softcover / Stapled. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear. Extremely rare little archive with Blessings from two Popes; bought from the family Archive of Katty Hayes.

EUR 1.750,-- 

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The Life and Times of Sir Peter Carew - with two manuscript letters by historian George Oliver, Exeter

3. [Carew, Sir Peter / George Oliver (Historian) / John Carew Esq.] MacLean, John.

The Life and Times of Sir Peter Carew, Kt. (From the Original Manuscript) – With a Historical Introduction and Elucidatory Notes, by John MacLean. [Personal copy of John Carew Esq., with two unpublished manuscript letters by historian George Oliver, Exeter (Devon), tipped-in to the rear of the Volume, one longer manuscript entry to the rear in which George Oliver mentions that he has consulted the Inventory of Ottery Mohan House and that he has “made a few pencil notes in the margin” of the book (Oliver must have been sent the book and then returned it or it was his own copy and he gifted it to John Carew)/ George Oliver helped John Carew, Esq., a descendant of Sir Peter Carew, to identify some information form the original manuscript of John Hoker, to which Oliver must have had access. The letters deal with details of John Hoker’s [Hooker’s] Manuscript on Sir Peter Carew and details in John MacLean’s Biography of Carew. George Oliver’s correspondence with John Carew, a descendant of Sir Peter, is very interesting indeed and Oliver seems to study the original manuscript by Hoker for John Carew and reports his insight in the original manuscript of Hoker’s Manuscript on History, mentioning for example Carew’s death-notice: “This year died the worthy and Honorable Knight Sir Peter Carew at Ross in Leinster, and buried in the City of Waterford in Munster in Ireland, in all such honourable order…” (see detailed images on our website)].

London, Bell & Daldy, 1857. Octavo. Frontispiece portrait of Sir Peter Carew (Steel Engraving by J.J.Chant, being Plate I.), CXVIII, 317 pages plus 6 pages “List of Subscribers”. With several Plates: Plate II: Musical Notes: “By a Bank as I lay” / Plate III: Monument to Sir Peter Carew in St.Peter’s Cathedral, Exeter (Steel Engraving) / Plate IV: Folded Map of Kylkenny (Kilkenny) / Plate V: Pedigree of the Family of Carew (Large Fold – out Plate). Hardcover / Original publisher’s cloth with gilt lettering on spine and armorial emblemata on front board. With the armorial supralibro of the Carew Family to the binding’s front board: Arms of Carew: Or, three lions passant in pale sable / Manuscript-entry of previous owner John Carew on endpaper. Boards fragile and spine loosened. In protective Collector’s Mylar to give the slightly broken binding stability. A very rare publication with the beautiful, signed manuscript-letters by George Oliver, signed in the years 1857 and 1858. The letters are also of interest regarding the history of John Hoker [John Hooker / John Vowell] because George Oliver mentions Hoker’s entry “into the New Office of Chamberlain of Exeter at Michaelmas 1555 – having the fee of £4 by the yere & his Lyveries – MS. Hist. p.351”.

EUR 310,-- 

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Album Amicorum of C. L. von Zander (recorded in the area of Vienna, Bielitz, Biala and Lemberg between 1814 and 1822

6. [Family History of Sir Harry Luke / de Zander] – [Luke, Harry] Zander, C.L.v. / Bielitz / Bielsk / Lemberg / Polish Ancestry with Louis de Zander (Deutsch Eylau/Old Prussia) and connections to the swedish “Zander” – family].

Album Amicorum from the early 19th century of the De Zander Family from Poland, Bielitz, Lemberg Vienna and other areas / Album Amicorum von C.L. von Zander mit insgesamt 40 Eintraegen von Mitgliedern der Familie von Zander [de Zander] und Freunden aus der Umgebung von Bielitz, Lemberg, Biala und Wien/ Album Amicorum of C. L. von Zander (recorded in the area of Vienna, Bielitz, Biala and Lemberg between 1814 and 1822. Eintraege von Louis von Zander, Caroline de Zander (nee de Zander), Ludwig von Zander (Bielitz, 23.September 1814), Carl von Zander (Pless im Maerz, 1816), Josef Krammer, Christian Traugott Schuberth, Caroline von Zander, Caroline Schluse (Pless, 1816), Jon, Henr. Zander (Bielitz, 1818) [Johann Heinrich Zander] / Carl Johann Zander / Charlotte von Zander (Bielitz, 1814) / Friederica von Zander (Mother of the owner of this Album Amicorum – possibly Frederica Elizabeth Klimke) / etc. Weitere Eintraege von Carl Ferdinand Sennewaldt, Johann Millikowski (Lemberg, 1814), Carl Sartory, Anton Manhardt, Jacob Thomke (Biala, 1816), Franz Kuenzl, Rosalie Jeney (Lemberg, 1814), Gottfried Samuel Bauer (Bielitz, 1814) etc., Franz Krippner, (Wien, 1822).

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Wien / Lemberg / Bielitz / Biala, [Album auf Papier von J. Pospischil], c. 1814-1822. Quer – Octavo. Mehr als 100 Blatt, davon 40 mit handschriftlichen Eintraegen. / More than 100 leaves with 40 manuscript – entries of families of the von Zander / de Zander Family. Original Hardcover / Originaler, sehr dekorativer Ganzlederband mit reicher Vergoldungund Verzierung / Stunning full morocco with extensive decorations and gilt lettering and ornament to both boards. Exzellente Erhaltung / Excellent condition of the early 19th century Manuscript – Album of a member of the “de Zander” – Family. The Album comes with a very interesting pamphlet, a historical account by Louis de Zander about his families life and genealogical histories from his ancestry in Poland to his family’s troubles in Bielsk / Bielitz. From the personal collection of Sir Harry Luke.

EUR 78.000,-- 

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[Luke, The Modern Traveller. By Hilaire Belloc

8. [Malta Content] – [Luke, Harry] Belloc, Hilaire / Clayton, Philip Thomas Byard [″Tubby”] / Scrivenor, Sir Thomas / Patrick Terence William Span Plunket, 7th Baron Plunket / [Blackwood, Lord Basil].

The Modern Traveller. By Hilaire Belloc with pictures by B.T.B. (that is Lord Basil Temple Blackwood). Inscribed and signed by Philip Thomas Byard Clayton: “To Sir Harry Luke, Lieut. Governor of Malta & Chairman of Toc H with Gratitude from Tubby” [″Tubby” was Philip Thomas Byard Clayton, the founder of “Toc H”). With two manuscript letters to Sir Harry Luke loosely inserted. LETTER No.I: The first letter is from Patrick Plunket (Equerry to Queen Elizabeth II and Deputy Master of the Household of the Royal Household (1954-1975)). On his personal stationery (Mount Offham, West Malling (Kent)) Patrick Plunket thanks Luke for making him aware of the book (″The Modern Traveller”) by Hilaire Belloc to which Plunket’s uncle Basil (Lord Basil Blackwood) has contributed the illustrations. Plunket writes on August 1st, 1966: “Dear Sir Harry, i am writing to say how grateful I am to you for telling me about the Modern Traveller. I have it now in front of me. Uncle Basil’s drawings are superb and depict our black brothers as I am sure they would not wish to be shown today. But especially the travellers are equally ludicrous ! In fact the whole book is a delight and will be specially treasured. It makes one even sadder that my uncle insisted on joining up when we was over-age. Yours very sincerely – Patrick Plunket”. [Blackwood was killed in action in a night raid at Boesinghe near Ypres on 4 July 1917] / LETTER No. II: The second letter included in the book is from fellow colonial administrator, Sir Thomas Scrivenor to Luke in which Scrivenor alerts Luke of the fact that he enclosed an “Unpublished Ballade” by Hilaire Belloc (Typescript). He continues to talk about a piece of poetry Scrivenor wrote in reference to the Corona Club and in anticipation of a Dinner when Duncan Sandy was Secretary of State for the Colonies. The This Typescript is also included.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. London, Edward Arnold, 1923. Octavo. 80 pages with illustrations. Illustrated Hardcover. Stronger signs of external wear to the book. The manuscript letters and poems in excellent condition. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

EUR 78.000,-- 

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Luke, The Fringe Of The East.

9. [Oriental Tour 1907 – 1908] – [Lukach, Harry Charles / Sir Harry Luke] / [Harry Pirie-Gordon] / [Anastas Hanania (Jordan)].

Oriental Tour of Harry Charles Lukach, together with Harry Pirie-Gordon in the years 1907 – 1908 – Reflected in a large collection of Manuscript Letters Signed (MLS / See complete List of Letters below) / The envelope with letters was kept by Luke within the Manuscript-Annotated publication “The Fringe Of The East” and was always part of Luke’s personal collection in this constellation, hence we did not separate it. The collection of manuscript letters report back home from Damascus and his wider trip through the middle east in the years 1907 – 1908. [These letters reflect the formative years of Sir Harry Luke during his Travels through the Middle East, prior to World War One and shortly before starting his career in the British Colonial Administration in the year 1911 as A.D.C. (Assistant District Commissioner) in Cyprus under High Commissioner, Sir Hamilton Goold-Adams, who succeeded Sir Charles King-Harman in 1911 / Including also a letter of Palestinian-Jordanian Lawyer Anastas Hanania to Luke].

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Glasgow, Robert MacLehose & Co., Ltd., 1913. 22,5 cm x 15 cm. 267 pages. Original Hardcover. Harry Luke’s (Lukach) personal copy. With annotations and markings by Harry Luke. Split hinge, detached front board. Fair condition. Includes a large envelope with original letters Harry Luke sent home from his trip through the Near East / Levant.

EUR 78.000,-- 

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