A Treatise on the Dropsy of the Brain, Illustrated by a Variety of Cases to which are added, Observations on the Use and Effects of the Digitalis Purpurea in Dropsies. By Charles William Quin, M.D. – Fellow of the King’s and Queen’s College of Physicians, Physician General of His Majesty’s Army in Ireland and of the Royal Hospital of Invalids, near Dublin.
First Edition. London, Printed for J.Murray and W.Jones, Dublin, 1790. Octavo. [1], 227 pages. Original Bookblock (Disbound). Needs new binding but the bookblock is in excellent condition with some minor flaws only. Former copy of the R.C.P.I. Kirkpatrick Bequest, now Deaccessioned and furnished with three stamps of the Kirkpatrick Bequest. An extremely rare book.
[With the printed dedication by Quin to William Cullen, Professsor of Medicine in the University of Edinburgh].
Charles William Quin was the second son of Henry Quin (qv). He and his brother Thomas James were both admitted as pupil pensioners to Trinity College Dublin on 29 August 1772. Both brothers attended Harrow prior to admission to Trinity College, and their home was stated to be Cork. Charles William was awarded his BA by Trinity College in 1777, and his MD by Edinburgh University in 1779. His thesis was entitled De Hydrocephalus Interno. Quin was admitted a Licentiate of the College of Physicians of Ireland in May 1783 and was awarded the Fellowship of the College at the same time. He went on to be elected President in 1788 and was made an Honorary Fellow of the College in 1798.
He wrote A Treatise on Dropsy of the Brain Illustrated by a Variety of Cases. This contained observations on the use and effects of the Digitalis Purpurea dropsies in a special appendix. It also had a personal dedication to William Cullen MD dated 1790. In the preface he states that his Edinburgh thesis was reprinted on 2 occasions, once in Webster’s Systemica Medicinae Practica and on the other occasion in Smellie’s Thesaurus. On St Patrick’s Day 1785 Quin was appointed Physician General to His Majesty’s Army in Ireland
and, as such, was also Physician to the Royal Hospital Kilmainham. He married a Miss Preston, daughter of Rev Nathanial Preston of Swainstown, County Meath, in August 1784 (Source: Royal College of Physicians of Ireland)
EUR 1.400,--
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