“Harrio Carolo Lukach Annum Aetatis Vicesimum Tertium Ineunti Hunc Libellum Sic Summa cum Amicitia Dedicat Condiscipulus L. McC-G. – Prid.Non.Dec.A.D.MCMVI” – Original Typescript of a Play with Manuscript-Drawings, dedicated to Harry Luke by his classmate Macaulay, on Luke’s 23rd birthday, celebrating the departure of Harry Charles Lukach into the World (possibly after leaving Trinity College Oxford and shortly before Luke embarked on the Oriental Tour). The Play is written in german and english and features several of Luke’s friends like Harry Pierie-Gordon [later with Eastern Mediterranean Special Intelligence Bureau (EMSIB)] or British Diplomat and Humanitarian, Robert Smallbones. The Play was written in London in November 1906 by L. McC – G.
[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. London, 1906. Quarto 20 cm wide x 27 cm high. 24 pages with original drawings within the text. Softcover / Stichted binding. Poor condition with some damages to outer margins top and bottom. Text and illustrations not affected.
EUR 78.000,--