West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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3 – Sierra Leone I (1908 – 1911) (4 items)

Luke’s first official posting, as Private Secretary to the Governor of Sierra Leone, Sir Leslie Probyn (September 1908 – c. January 1911). Including: A fantastic collection of ninetythree (93) manuscript letters, re-introduced into Harry Luke’s private library after the death of his parents. Of great interest regarding the becoming of a colonial officer, Luke shares in these letters his adventures as much as his thoughts and worries about which career-path to take. These 93 letters give an extraordinarily detailed insight into the career of an Etonian and Trinity College Oxford Alumni, turning Colonial Officer, just prior of The Great War at the time of the ascent of contemporaries as eminent as Churchill & Bonar Law.

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