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12 – Malta (1930 – 1938) (19 items)

[Malta]: June 1930 – July 1938

“In mid-1930 Luke was promoted to the post of Lieutenant-Governor of Malta.
Luke had a penchant for taking jobs just when they were becoming awkward and he arrived in Malta as it was gripped by controversy involving the rights of the Roman Catholic establishment, resulting in the suspension of the constitution for two years. He was attacked by nationalist newspapers in the island and expansionist organs in Italy. As lieutenant-governor, Luke took a close interest in the problems of the Maltese diaspora in the Mediterranean, visiting Tripoli, Tunis, and Corfu. He also furthered study into the antiquities of the island, and provided regular hospitality in his summer palace at Verdala during a time when Malta was a magnet for the peacetime Royal Navy. As acting governor, it pleased Luke in January 1936 to proclaim king Edward VIII in the throne room of the palace in Valletta”. (Holland)

Luke was knighted in 1933

Luke was an honorary LLD of the Royal University of Malta

Manuscript Letters Signed (MLS) / Autograph Letters Signed (ALS) on Stationery of the Lieutenant Governor of Malta

13. [Malta Content] – [Luke, Sir Harry] / [Archbishop of Rhodes (Sir Mauro Monsignor Caruana)] / Bishop of Gozo (Mikiel Monsignor Gonzi)] / [Lord Strickland, 4th Prime Minister of Malta].

Manuscript Letters Signed (MLS) / Autograph Letters Signed (ALS) on Stationery of the Lieutenant Governor of Malta, from Sir Harry Luke to his mother during the month of June, 1932. The two multi-page letters (from the 6th and 13th of June, 1932) deal with private matters but also have significant content about the famous conflict between the two local, Maltese Bishops [1. Archbishop of Rhodes (Sir Mauro Monsignor Caruana) / 2. Bishop of Gozo (Mikiel Monsignor Gonzi)] and Lord Strickland, 4th Prime Minister of Malta. Luke writes in the letter from June 6th, 1932: “There have been a succession of political changes here these last 2 weeks, keeping me very busy. The Bishops here first refused to accept an apology from Lord Strickland, then agreed to accept it, so the Elections, which were nearly again suspended, will after all be held, next week & after which the new Ministry will be formed and, if all goes well, I should with luck be able to get away about end of June & go with the first instance to England, coming out to you (I hope with Peter) about first week in August…..Things politically seem in a pretty awful mess everywhere. I hope this depressing crisis will soon pass off. Ronald Storrs, whose time in Cyprus is up in hours, has been made Governor of Northern Rhodesia (Central Africa) which I fear he won’t like very much, & he is being succeeded by a very senior man, Sr R[eginald Edward] Stubbs, the present Governor of Jamaica, who is one of the most senior of the Governors. I should have had [?] Cyprus, of course, but would rather be here than go to some remote & awful African hole.”

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. Malta, 6 June, 1932 & 13 th June, 1932. Quarto. Two Letters, each four pages on two sheets. From the personal library of Sir Harry Luke, letters to his mother which he inherited after her death.

EUR 78.000,-- 

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[Luke, The Modern Traveller. By Hilaire Belloc

17. [Malta Content] – [Luke, Harry] Belloc, Hilaire / Clayton, Philip Thomas Byard [″Tubby”] / Scrivenor, Sir Thomas / Patrick Terence William Span Plunket, 7th Baron Plunket / [Blackwood, Lord Basil].

The Modern Traveller. By Hilaire Belloc with pictures by B.T.B. (that is Lord Basil Temple Blackwood). Inscribed and signed by Philip Thomas Byard Clayton: “To Sir Harry Luke, Lieut. Governor of Malta & Chairman of Toc H with Gratitude from Tubby” [″Tubby” was Philip Thomas Byard Clayton, the founder of “Toc H”). With two manuscript letters to Sir Harry Luke loosely inserted. LETTER No.I: The first letter is from Patrick Plunket (Equerry to Queen Elizabeth II and Deputy Master of the Household of the Royal Household (1954-1975)). On his personal stationery (Mount Offham, West Malling (Kent)) Patrick Plunket thanks Luke for making him aware of the book (″The Modern Traveller”) by Hilaire Belloc to which Plunket’s uncle Basil (Lord Basil Blackwood) has contributed the illustrations. Plunket writes on August 1st, 1966: “Dear Sir Harry, i am writing to say how grateful I am to you for telling me about the Modern Traveller. I have it now in front of me. Uncle Basil’s drawings are superb and depict our black brothers as I am sure they would not wish to be shown today. But especially the travellers are equally ludicrous ! In fact the whole book is a delight and will be specially treasured. It makes one even sadder that my uncle insisted on joining up when we was over-age. Yours very sincerely – Patrick Plunket”. [Blackwood was killed in action in a night raid at Boesinghe near Ypres on 4 July 1917] / LETTER No. II: The second letter included in the book is from fellow colonial administrator, Sir Thomas Scrivenor to Luke in which Scrivenor alerts Luke of the fact that he enclosed an “Unpublished Ballade” by Hilaire Belloc (Typescript). He continues to talk about a piece of poetry Scrivenor wrote in reference to the Corona Club and in anticipation of a Dinner when Duncan Sandy was Secretary of State for the Colonies. The This Typescript is also included.

[This item is part of the Sir Harry Luke – Archive / Collection]. London, Edward Arnold, 1923. Octavo. 80 pages with illustrations. Illustrated Hardcover. Stronger signs of external wear to the book. The manuscript letters and poems in excellent condition. From the private collection / library of colonial governor, diplomat and historian, Sir Harry Luke.

EUR 78.000,-- 

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