West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Riddell, The Carpenter and Joiner, Stair Builder and Hand-Railer.

Riddell, Robert.

The Carpenter and Joiner, Stair Builder and Hand-Railer. With fifty-eight plates and a Series of Card-Board Models.

London / Edinburgh / Glasgow, William Mackenzie, no year [c.1874]. Folio (28 cm x 35 cm). Frontispiece, 124 pages text and 58 plates [The Frontispiece counts as Plate 58]. Original Hardcover with gilt lettering on board and reinforced, contemporary “workshop binding”. Good condition with signs of external wear. Inside a little dusty but firm and complete !!

Includes for example the following chapters and illustrations: The Kerf Mouldings / Design for Bay Windows / The Hip-Roof / The French or Mansard Roof / Design for a French Roof with curved Ribs / Niches with Circular and Elliptical Heads / To Construct a Window Frame where the Head is to be circular on the front of the building and square in the Interior / Construction of a self-supporting staircase by a system of kerfing and bracing / Elements of Handrailing / Platform Stairs / The Half Twist starting from a Level Floor / Roofing etc. etc.

EUR 340,-- 

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Riddell, The Carpenter and Joiner, Stair Builder and Hand-Railer.
Riddell, The Carpenter and Joiner, Stair Builder and Hand-Railer.
Riddell, The Carpenter and Joiner, Stair Builder and Hand-Railer.
Riddell, The Carpenter and Joiner, Stair Builder and Hand-Railer.
Riddell, The Carpenter and Joiner, Stair Builder and Hand-Railer.