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de Blacam, Gentle Ireland - An Account of a Christian Culture in History and Mod

de Blacam, Hugh [Canon Sheehan / Daniel Corkery].

Gentle Ireland – An Account of a Christian Culture in History and Modern Life.

Second Printing of the First Edition. Milwaukee, The Bruce Publishing Company, 1935. Octavo. XI,181, [2] pages. Original Hardcover. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear.

Chapters include: This Ancient Land / A Catholic Culture / Fenians All ! / The Folk Mind / Laughter of the GAel / The Spiritual Nation / The Age-Enduring Peasant / The Woman of the House speaks / Historical Lore / Saints and Heros / Colmcille: The First Irish Exile / Brian – Emperor of the Irish / Matt Talbot: The Trade Unionist / The Ark of Kilbaha / The Poet of Killarney / The Books of Canon Sheehan / The Books of Daniel Corkery / Irish Life – Howth / Island of Horses etc. etc.

Illustrations include: A Gaelic Story-Teller / A Hand Spinner in Connemara / Evening Falls on Killarney / The Last Glimpse of Erin (Cobh Harbour) etc.

EUR 60,-- 

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de Blacam, Gentle Ireland – An Account of a Christian Culture in History and Modern Life.