West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Cadogan, Cork County Council 1899-1999.

Cadogan, Tim (ed.).

Cork County Council 1899-1999. [With a chapter on Jeremiah O’Donovan Rossa and the Cork County Council Clerkship]. A Centenary Souvenir.

Cork, Cork County Council, 1999. 17 x 24,5 cm. 76 pages. Original Softcover. Very good condition.

Includes for example: O’Donovan Rossa and the Cork County Council Clerkship / The Historical Significance of the All-for-Ireland League (A.F.I.L.) / Managing County Cork’s Archaeological Heritage / etc.

EUR 40,-- 

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Cadogan, Cork County Council 1899-1999.