West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Hughes, Power to the people ? - Assessing democracy in Ireland.

Hughes, Ian / TASC (Organization).

Power to the people ? – Assessing democracy in Ireland. Written and edited by Ian Hughes with John Baker and others.

Dublin, TASC at New Island, 2007. 24 cm. 654 pages. Softcover. Excellent condition with only minor signs of external wear. [TASC report].

Includes chapters like: Nationhood and Citizenship / The Rule of Law and Access to Justice / Civil and Political Rights / Economic and Social Rights / Free and Fair Elections / Democratic Role of Political Parties / Civilian Control of the Military and Police / The Media in a Democratic Society / Political Participation etc. etc.

EUR 78,-- 

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Hughes, Power to the people ? – Assessing democracy in Ireland.