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Doyle, Ireland - 40 Years of Photo-Journalism. [including photographs of Ireland

Doyle, Colman / Flynn, Liam.

Ireland – 40 Years of Photo-Journalism. [including photographs of Ireland and its cultural and political landscape in the Fifties, Sixties, Seventies and Eighties].

Dublin, Blackwater Press, 1994. Octavo. 168 pages. Original Softcover. Excellent condition with only minor signs of external wear.

Includes for example the following images: Potatoe Harvest in Ireland / Horseshoeing / Fashion in Ireland in the 1950s / Portrait of Yann Renard Goulet / Portrait of Domhnall O Buachalla / Portrait of Kerry Fisherman Paddy Bawn Brosnan / Portrait of Hurler Nicky Rackard / Portrait of Maurice ‘Kruger’ Kavanagh from Dun Caoin in Kerry / Milking / Noel Browne /


Doyle, Ireland – 40 Years of Photo-Journalism.