West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Keogh, Ireland and Europe, 1919-1948 - A Diplomatic and Political History.

Keogh, Dermot.

Ireland and Europe, 1919-1948 – A Diplomatic and Political History.

Dublin, Gill and Macmillan [u.a.], 1988. Octavo. 256 pages. Softcover. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear.

From Dail Eireann to Saorstat: Continetal Europe and the Department of Irish Diplomacy 1919-1932 / De Valera and Foreign Policy Idealism – Apprenticeship in Classical Diplomacy 1932-1936 / Ireland and the Popular Fronts (1936-1939) / De Valera: Neutrality and the Retreat to Realism (1939) / Ireland and the diplomacy of Normalcy in Europe, 1945 – 1948 / etc.

EUR 60,-- 

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Keogh, Ireland and Europe, 1919-1948 – A Diplomatic and Political History.