Feardorcha Truailldhe – Fardorougha The Miser. Seán Mac Maoláin d’astrigh go Gaedhilg.
Baile Átha Cliath, Oifig Díolta Foillseacháin Rialtais, 1933. Octavo. 412 pages. Original Hardcover with original dustjacket in protective collector’s mylar. Dustjacket Design by Austin Molloy. The Volume itself in excellent condition. The dustjacket with some minor fraying but in very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. Very Rare !
In 1839 Fardorougha the Miser was published in Ireland to critical acclaim; since then this novel has continued to absorb readers with its terrible tale of obsession and greed. Fardorougha Donovan and his wife, Honor, have been married all of thirteen years and are childless. Honor continues to pray that she will bear a child, while her husband abandons such hopes, giving himself over to the accumulation of wealth through usury and other exactions inflicted upon poorer neighbours… Offering a compelling analysis of a tormented individual and his ruinous obsession, William Carleton reveals the chaotic Ireland of pre-Famine days, an Ireland ill-governed and prey to the lawless terror of such anarchic gangs as the Whiteboys. (Source: Appletree)
EUR 130,--
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