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Trevor-Roper, The World Through Blunted Sight.

Trevor-Roper, Patrick.

The World Through Blunted Sight. An inquiry into the influence of defective vision on art and character.

Second Edition. London, Thames and Hudson, 1971. 18.5cm x 25.5cm. 191 pages with 112 illustrations including 29 in colour and 5 line drawings. Original Hardcover with original dustjacket in protective collector’s mylar. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear.

Includes for example: The Myopic Personality/ The Prose and Poetry of the Myope/ The Art of the Myope/ The Art of the Presbyope/ Astigmatism/ Artistry in Birds and Mamals/ The Acceptance of Colours/ Colour and Temprament/ Poetic Colour Imagery/ Synaesthesia/ The Influence of Environmental Colour/ Therapeutic Use of Colour/ Dream-Colours/ The withdrawal of Colours/ Colour Blindness in Literature and Art/ Cataract/ Other Secondary Colour Distortions/ Influence on Painting of Natural eye Pigment/ Retinal Rivalry and unbalanced Eyes/ The Squint in Art/ Latent Squint/ Eye Dominance/ Eye Dominance in Art/ Aniseikonia/ Encroachments on the field of Vision/ Vitreous Opacitites/ Phosphenes/ Damage to the Visual Pathways/ Psychedelic Art/ Schizophrenic Art/ Gross Loss of Visual Field – Near Blind Art/ Total Blindness/ psychology and Art of the Blind/ The Recovery of Sight/

EUR 60,-- 

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The World Through Blunted Sight. An inquiry into the influence of defective vision on art and character.