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Le Breton, Up-Country Swahili Exercises - For the Soldier, Settler, Miner, Merca

Le Breton, F.H.

Up-Country Swahili Exercises – For the Soldier, Settler, Miner, Mercahnt, and Their Wives. And for All Who Deak With UP-Country Natives Without Interpreters.

Thirteenth Edition. Richmond, R.W. Simpson and Co., (1956). 12 cm x 17.5 cm. 96 pages. Softcover/ publisher’s original. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. Upper corner of front board bumped. Name of preowner on pastedown.

Includes, for example, the following contents: Abjectives / Abverbs / English-Derived Words / Personal Prefixes / Prononciation / Vocabularies – English-Swahali etc.
Dictionary written by “a Soldier Settler in Kenya,” and was aimed “at teaching, in a simple way, just that degree of Swahili that is understood and talked by the average intelligent up-country native.” Illustrates the attitudes and context of interactions between white settler and native populations during the colonial era in East Africa.
Translation exercises include translating phrases such as: “The master is not at home, he has gone on to the farm.” / “You have broken all the eggs again, where are your eyes and ears ?” / “You, go to the market to buy the milk and oil lamp, because I am going to a meeting of the Europeans.” / “Boy, get my bath ready, and dont put in as much hot water, as you did yesterday, I like it hot, but not too hot.” / “Boy, my razor is spoilt, it will not cut even a little, I know you have used itto shave your head, and my scissors likewise, they are still dirty with your black hairs” !!!/ etc.

EUR 70,-- 

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Le Breton, Up-Country Swahili Exercises – For the Soldier, Settler, Miner, Merca