West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Wilkinson, A Lady's Life and Travels in Zululand and the Transvaal During Cetewa

Wilkinson, Mrs (Annie Margaret).

A Lady’s Life and Travels in Zululand and the Transvaal During Cetewayo’s Reign – Being The African Letters and Journals of the Late Mrs Wilkinson.

London, J.T Hayes, 1882. 13 cm x 19 cm. VIII, 264 pages. Hardcover [publisher’s original blue cloth] with gilt lettering on spine and front board. Name of preowner on endpaper in ink: “J. Babington Jones – June 1894” [possibly Julian Babington Jones]. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. Interior bright and clean.

Includes, for example, the following: Tarrying in Natal / Great Annual Review of the Zulu Army by Panda and Cetywayo / Station Life in Zululand / In the Transvaal, and on the Bombo / Results of Mission Work as Seen Through the Zulu War.
Memoir of a missionary’s life and time’s in Southern Africa during the 1870s, as told through diary extracts and letters.

EUR 270,-- 

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Wilkinson, A Lady’s Life and Travels in Zululand and the Transvaal During Cetewa