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Hutchinson, A Clinical Memoir on Certain Diseases of the Eye and Ear Consequent

Hutchinson, Jonathan.

A Clinical Memoir on Certain Diseases of the Eye and Ear Consequent on Inherited Syphilis. With an Appended Chapter of Commentaries on the Transmission of Syphilis from Parent to Offspring, and its More Remote Consequences.

Special reprint edition of London, John Churchill, 1863. Delanco NJ, The Classics of Medicine Library, 2003. 14.5 cm x 22.5 cm. XII, 259 pages. With two colour plates. Beautifully bound Hardcover with gilt lettering and oranaments on spine with raised bands. Elaborate gilt embossment and ruling on both boards. All edges gilt. With green silk ribbon page marker. Marbled pastedowns and endpapers. As new condition throughout. With protective mylar wrapping. Ex-Libris bookplate of preowner on pastedown.

Includes, for example, the following: Acute Iritis Dependent Upon Hereditary Syphilis / Summary of the conclusions / Aphorisms Respecting the Disease / Chronic Interstitial Keratitis / Inflammations of the Choroid and Retina Dependent Upon Hereditary Syphilis / On So-Called Aquo-Capsulitis / On Deafness in Connexion with Inherited Syphilis / On Diseases of the Ocular Appendages When Dependent Upon Hereditary Syphilis / On Retinitis, Choroiditis, & c, In connection with Acquired Syphilis etc

Enclosed Ephemera: ‘Notes from the Editors,’ a Classics of Medicine Library booklet that gives two short introductory essays on Hutchinson by Paul Henkind, the first Chairman of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Classics of Ophthalmology, and by Sir Rickman Godlee.

Sir Jonathan Hutchinson, (born July 23, 1828, Selby, Yorkshire, Eng.—died June 26, 1913, Haslemere, Surrey), British surgeon, pathologist, pioneer in the study of congenital syphilis.
As Surgeon to the London Hospital (1859–83) and professor of surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons (1879–83), he became an authority on eye and skin diseases, especially leprosy. He was best known, however, for his lifelong study of syphilis. He introduced “Hutchinson’s triad” for the diagnosis of the inherited, or congenital, form of the disease: notched, narrow-edged permanent incisors (Hutchinson’s teeth); interstitial keratitis, an inflammation with occlusion of the cornea of the eye; and labyrinthine disease, a disorder of the inner ear. He was knighted in 1908. (Encyclopedia Britannica)

EUR 105,-- 

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Hutchinson, A Clinical Memoir on Certain Diseases of the Eye and Ear Consequent
Hutchinson, A Clinical Memoir on Certain Diseases of the Eye and Ear Consequent
Hutchinson, A Clinical Memoir on Certain Diseases of the Eye and Ear Consequent
Hutchinson, A Clinical Memoir on Certain Diseases of the Eye and Ear Consequent