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[Atwood, Wilderness and the Natural Environment - Margaret Atwood's Recyclin

[Atwood, Margaret] Buhler Roth, Verena.

Wilderness and the Natural Environment – Margaret Atwood’s Recycling of a Canadian Theme.

Tubigen, Francke Verlag, 1998. 15.5 cm x 23 cm. VII, 206 pages. Original Hardcover with a cover photograph by Tom Thomson ‘Pine Treee’ (Oil on Panel, Art Gallery of Ontario). Important: A few pencil annotations in text. Otherwise in very good condition with only minor signs of external wear. [Schweizer Anglistische Arbeiten – Swiss Studies in English].

Swiss Studies in English and published with support of the Swiss Natural Science Foundation. A thesis accepted as a doctoral dissertation by the Faculty of Arts of the University of Zurich 1996/7 on the recomnendation of Dr Max Nanny.

Chapters include: Nature and Wilderness in English-Canadian Literature and Criticism / Wilderness Tips: The Representation of Nature and Wilderness and the Conventions of Romance, the Gothic and the Pastoral / Cat’s Eye: The Natural Environment as Literary Space / etc.

EUR 50,-- 

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Buhler Roth, Wilderness and the Natural Environment – Margaret Atwood’s Recyclin