West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Christ, Hans D. / Dressler, Iris / Peters, Christine. Acts of Voicing.

Christ, Hans D. / Dressler, Iris / Peters, Christine.

Acts of Voicing.

Leipzig, Spector Books in conjuction with Wurttembergischer Kunstverein/Total Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul. 2014. 17.5 cm x 25 cm. 555 pages. Original Hardcover. (Blue cloth with an embossed illustration in black on front board. Title in black embossed lettering on spine). Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear.

Published in conjunction with the exhibition and project entitled ‘Acts of Voicing: On the Poetics and Politics of the Voice’, Wurttembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, 13 October 2012 – 13 January 2013 and Total Museum of Contemporary Art, Seoul 2 May 2013 – 20 June 2013.

The publication is both a documentation of the project and an autonomous extrapolation of the subject. Whilst the intial concept was a project working on connections and exclusions between the visual arts, dance and theory and consisting of twelve-member core groups made up of artists, curators, choreographers, authors and theorists the voice ultimately made its way to the fore.

The exhibition ‘Acts of Voicing’ – and this publication – reflects the active, experiential and performative character of the voice. It is as much about the resistant voice as it is about the disciplined and the disciplining voice: about voices that are heard and others that are not. All of this basically revolves around the poetics and politics of the voice, which, according to one of the project’s theses, cannot be separated from each other.

The publication is divided into a text section and a catalogue section linked by pictures of the exhibition in Stuttgart and Seoul.

Contents include: Samuel Beckett ‘Not I’ / Ines Doujak ‘Text fur einen Indianerautomaten und eine Forscherinnenpuppe’ / David Riff ‘The Karl Marx School of the English Language’ / Bojana Kunst ‘The Voice of the Dancing Body’ / etc.

Artists include: John Baldessari / Tim Etchells / Gary Hill / Regina Sarreiter / Jacques Lacan / Anri Sala / Katarina Zdjelar / Minouk Lim / Yang Zhenzhong / etc.

EUR 70,-- 

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Acts of Voicing.
Acts of Voicing.
Acts of Voicing.
Acts of Voicing.
Acts of Voicing.
Acts of Voicing.