Religions of Asia in Practice. An Anthology.
Princeton and Oxford, Princeton University Press, 2002. 15.5 cm x 23.5 cm. XII,734 pages. Softcover. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear.
An overview of the religions of the continent of Asia illustrating the range of religious practice and over a period of almost three millennia. Including:
Religions of India in Practice with chapters on, for example: Bengali Songs to Kali / Jain Stories Inspiring Renunciation / The Origin of Linga Worship / etc.
Buddhism in Practice with chapters on, for example: Consecrating the Buddha / The Whole Universe as a Sutra / Death-Bed Testimonials of the Pure Land Faithful / etc.
Religions of China in Practice with chapters on, for example: Laozi: Ancient Philosopher, Master of Immortality, and God / Teachings of a Spirit Medium / Spellbinding / etc.
Religions of Tibet with chapters on, for example: The Royal Way of Supreme Compassion / A Fasting Ritual / Turning Back Gossip / A Prayer Flag for Tara / etc.
Relgions of Japan in Practice with chapters on, for example: A Refutation of Clerical Marriage / The Confucian Monarchy of Nara Japan / Contemporary Zen Buddhist Tracts for the Laity: Grassroots Buddhism in Japan / etc.
EUR 70,--
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