Ernst Dronke – Einblicke in sein Leben und Werk.
Koblenz, Görres-Verlag, 1986. 8°. 160 Seiten. Hardcover / Gebundene Ausgabe (Leinen mit Schutzumschlag). Sehr guter, neuwertiger Zustand. KEINE Anstreichungen. KEIN Besitzvermerk. KEIN Mängelexemplar. [Koblenzer Beiträge zur Geschichte und Literatur – Band 2]
Ernst Dronke (born 1822, Germany – death 1891) was a journalist. Because of his philosophical beliefs, Dronke became a “true socialist”. Later he became a member of the Communist League and became an editor of the “Neue Rheinische Zeitung”. He participated in the German uprising of 1848-1849; after the suppression of this uprising, Dronke emigrated to England. Subsequently, he withdrew from politics. (Wikipedia)
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