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Parkes, Conoscenza Religiosa. Incl. From Earth's Veins to the Body's Meridian

Parkes, Graham / Marchiano, Grazia (ed.).

“From Earth’s Veins to the Body’s Meridians. Classical Chinese Views of the Environment and Health” by Graham Parkes in: Conoscenza Religiosa. Fondata da Elemire Zolla nuova serie. 1 – 2010.

First Edition. Montepulciano, Associazione Internationale Ricerca Elemire Zolla, 2010, 15 x 20,5 cm. 263 pages. Original Softcover. Excellent condition with only minor signs of external wear.

Includes for example the following chapters: Zolla, intellectuale del nostro tempo (Giovanni Puglisi); Il potere come ultimo arcano. Tangenze tra il pensiero di Nicola Cusano e Elemire Zolla (Cesare Cata); From Earth’s Veins to the Body’s Meridians. Classical Chinese Views of the Environment and Health (Graham Parkes) etc.

EUR 78,-- 

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Marchiano, Conoscenza Religiosa. Incl. From Earth’s Veins to the Body’s Meridian