West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Johnson, A Treatise on Language.

Johnson, Alexander Bryan.

A Treatise on Language. Edited, with a Critical Essay on his Philosophy of Language, by David Rynin.

Berkeley, University of California Press, 1947. 16 x 24 cm. 437 pages. Hardcover / Original cloth with dustjacket in protective Mylar. Very good condition with some small tears to the dustjacket only.

Alexander Bryan Johnson (May 29, 1786 – September 9, 1867) was a British philosopher and banker.
Born in Gosport, Hampshire, England, at age 16 he emigrated to the United States. He married Abigail Louisa Smith Adams (1798-1836), a granddaughter of President John Adams, and they had several children, among them Alexander S. Johnson.
His work A Treatise on Language (1836) was little recognised in his own time, and this remained the case for nearly a century after his death. It can now be seen to have anticipated the thrust of logical positivism, at least in arguing that misunderstandings of how language operates bedevil philosophical questions, and theories of modern linguistics. (Wikipedia)

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Johnson, A Treatise on Language.