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Mikule, Obecni dum v Praze - Historie a Rekonstrukce.

Mikule, Václav / Kreuzzieger, Milan / Svatosova, Hana / Valcharova, Vladislava / Halirova, Marie / Müllerova, Vera / Jungmann, Jan / Zapletal, Peter / Jerie, Pavel /

Obecni dum v Praze – Historie a Rekonstrukce. [Municipal House in Prague].

Praha, Enigma, 1997. 4°. 192 pages with 140 illustrations (mainly photographs of buildings / interior / Design / Designelements). Original Hardcover with illustrated dustjacket. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear. With a separate leaf explaining the 140 illustrations of Prague Interiors in english.

Includes: Milan Kreiuzzieger – Historie Mista, Na Kterém dnes stoji obneci dum / Hana Svatosová – “Dejte Radnici, Co Ji Patri, A Lidu, Co Potrebuje” / Rudolf Posva – Architektura Obecniho Domu / Vladislava Valcharova – Stavebni Remesla a Technicka Zarizeni / Milan Kreuzziger – Modely, Skici a Nácrty K Vyzdobe Obecniho Domu Ve Sbirkach Muzea Hlavniho Mesta Prahy / Marie Halirova – Navrhy, Skici a Kresby K Umelecke Vyzdobe Obnecniho Domu ve Sbirkach Galerie Hlavniho Mesta Prahy / Vera Müllerová – Umelecké Remeslo V Obecnim Dome / Vera Müllerová – Galerie Pod Sirým Nebem / Jan Jungmann – Obecni Dum V Politickych Dejinách / Milan Kreuzzieger – Radmila Kreuzziegerová – Významné Výstavy v Obecnim Dome / Petar Zapletal – Hudebni Zivot v Obecnim Dome / Pavel Jerie – Interiér Obecniho Domu / Seznam Osobnosti / Václav Mikule – Obnova Národni Kulturni Památky / Seznam Restaurátoru Rekonstrukce Obecniho Domu / Zajusteni Rekonstrukce Obecniho Domu / Summary in English (6 pages). A selection: The Municipal House ranks among the most outstanding buildings of prague Art Nouveau…In his article, Dr.Kreuzzieger traces the history of the site of the Municipal House from the Middle Ages up to the time it was built….The architecture of the Municipal House is a prime example of Prague Art Nouveau; apart from the Prague Main Railway Station it is the largest building in this style in the city //

Illustrations: Leopold Peuckert – View of Powder Tower (Etching) / Friedrich Bernhard Werner – Royal Court near the Powder Tower (Drawing) / Vincenc Morstadt – Powder Tower and surrounding area from the east (Drawing) / Palacký Hall / Rieger Hall / Grégr Hall / Smetana Hall / etc. etc. etc. etc.

EUR 70,-- 

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Obecni dum v Praze –  Historie a Rekonstrukce. [Municipal House in Prague].