Die Brustkrankheiten. deren richtige Würdigung und Behandlung. Neueste Übertragung ins Deutsche, mit Zugabe der später vom Verfasser veröffentlichten Aufsätze: I. Ueber Krebs der Lungen und des Mediastinums / II. Ueber akute Induration der Lungen / III. Ueber Cirrhose der Lungen. Unter der Redaction des Dr. Fr. J. Behrend (practischer Arzt in Berlin).
Leipzig, Christian Ernst Kollmann, 1844. 8°. 475 Seiten. Originales Halbleder mit marmoriertem Einbanddeckel. Sehr guter Zustand mit nur ganz geringen Gebrauchsspuren. / Excellent condition with only minor signs of wear. [Bibliothek von Vorlesungen der vorzüglichsten und berühmtesten Lehrer des Auslandes über Medizin, Chirurgie und Geburtshülfe, bearbeitet oder redigirt von Dr. Friedrich J. Behrend. Band XXXII.].
Enthält die folgenden Kapitel: 1. Allgemeine Grundsätze in Bezug auf die Diagnose der Brustkrankheiten / 2. Bronchitis / 3. Krankheiten des Kehlkopfs und der Luftröhre / 4. Lungenentzündung / 5. Gangrän der Lunge / 6. Perforierender Abscess der Lunge / 7. Krebs der Lunge / 8. Tuberkeln der Lunge / 9. Krankheiten der Pleura / Anhang: I. Untersuchungen über Pathologie und Diagnose des Krebses der Lungen und des Mediastinums / II. Ueber akute Induration der Lungen / III. Ueber Cirrhose der Lungen /
Classical work of Stokes with which he established his reputation and fame.
The first edition printed in 1837: “William Stoke – A treatise on the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the chest. I Diseases of the lung and windpipe. Dublin: Hodges Smith, 1837 (Allpublished ! A planned second volume was never printed).
This publication was translated “in great haste” into german and already published in 1838 in Bremen, just one year after the first english edition. This new edition of 1844 is of great importance because it contains three of Stokes’ lectures he had held in the meantime and which were published only in the Dublin Journal of Medical Sciences.
The three lectures added to this volume are: I. “Researches on the Pathology and Diagnosis of the Lung and Medistinum” (40 pages) (Dublin-Journal of Medical Sciences Volume III, No. LXII, May 1842) / II. “On the acute Induration of the Lung” (2 pages) / III. Observations on the Cirrhosis of the Lung (3 pages)
’Stokes, most prominent of the Irish school of medicine, established his reputation by his book on diseases of the chest. Important among its contents are his discovery of a stage of pneumonia prior to that described by Laennec as the first, his observations that contraction of the side has sometimes followed the cure of pneumonia and that paralysis of the intercostal muscles and diaphragm may result from pleurisy, and his employment of the stethoscope as an aid to the detection of foreign bodies in the air passages’ (Garrison/Morton 2213 reference to the first english edition in 1837).
History: In 1757 William Hunter described a case of SVC syndrome caused by a syphilitic aneurysm of the ascending aorta. In 1837 William Stokes reported the first case of SVC syndrome caused by a malignancy.
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