West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Boylan, A Dictionary of Irish Biography.

Boylan, Henry.

A Dictionary of Irish Biography.

Dublin, Gill and Macmillan Ltd., 1979. 21.5cm x 13.8cm. xi, 385 pages. Original Softcover. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear. Preowners namesticker on endpaper.

Henry Boylan graduated from Trinity College, Dublin/ Chairman and Director of Arramara Teoranta/ A Director of Gael Linn and President of the Royan Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital, Dublin/ modern work of biographical reference to students and readers in Irish history/ over a thousand entries, it ranges in time from St. Patrick in the fifth century to Sea Lemass in the twentieth century. It covers every area of human endeavour: literature, painting, medicine, law, religion, war, politics, science, scholarship and mere eccentricity. Swift/ O’Connell/ Joyce/ Yeats/ de Valera/ John Barrett/ Christian Davies, the female soldier who saw service in the War of the Spanish Succession/ Frank Harris/ John Holwell/ William Joyce or Lord Haw Haw/ O’Gorman Mahon/ Laurence Stern/ Lord Northcliffe/ Robert Boyle, the celebrated physicist etc.

EUR 78,-- 

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Boylan – A Dictionary of Irish Biography.