Küng, Hans.
Structures of the Church. With a Preface by His Eminence Cardinal Richard Cushing, Archbishop of Boston. Translated by Salvator Attanasio.
London, Burns & Oates, 1965. 22.2cm x 14.1cm. XVIII, 358 pages. Original Hardcover. Very good condition with only minor signs of wear. Rare.
Includes for Example: A theology of Ecumenical Councils/ The church as an ecumenical council by divine convocation/ The ecumenical council by human convocation as a representation of the ecumenical council by divine convocation/ Credible or non-credible representation/ Church, council and laity/ Luther’s demands/ The laity in conciliar history/ Representation of the laity today/ Who is the Apostolic Church?/ New meaning of ecclesiastical office/ The Apolostolic Succession/ The representation of offices and communities/ The Petrine office in the church and in council/ The representation of the Office of Peter/ The Primacy and its limits at the first Vatican council/ Conflict between the Pope and the church/ The ecclesiastical importance of the Council of Constance/ The Constance Decrees in Ecclesiastical tradition/ Questions of human law/ What does infallibility mean?/ The fallibility of councils according to Luther and Calvin/ The limits of infallibility at the first Vatican Council/ Remarks on the problematic aspects of the question of infallibility etc.
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