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Berg, Between Yaks and Yurts. Perspectives for a Sustainable Regional Economic D

Berg, Christian / Haardt, Saskia/ Thieme, Kathleen/ Willinger, Ralf/ Yoder, Jorg.

Between Yaks and Yurts. Perspectives for a Sustainable Regional Economic Development in Mongolia.

Berlin, Humboldt University Berlin, 2003. 21cm x 14.8cm. XX, 200 (8) pages. Original illustrated softcover. Excellent, close to new condition. [Centre for Advanced Training in Rural Development]

Includes for Example: Background and objectives of the study/ Concept and methodology of the study/ General framework conditions for economic development in Mongolia and the pilot regions/ Private and public institutions relevant to the promotion of economic entities and the regional economy/ Information, education and vocational training/ Legal and institutional framework for participation in regional economic development/ Recommendations with regard to the programme concept etc.

EUR 78,-- 

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Berg, Christian-Between Yaks and Yurts. Perspectives for a Sustainable Regional Economic Development in Mongolia.