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Marcuse, The Aesthetic Dimension. Toward a critique of Marxist Aesthetics.

Marcuse, Herbert.

The Aesthetic Dimension. Toward a critique of Marxist Aesthetics.

First US edition. Boston, Beacon Press, 1978. 20.9cm x 14.5cm. xiii, (3) 88 pages. Original hardcover in original illustrated dustjacket. In protective Mylar. A fine copy in red cloth, with publisher’s printed dust jacket.

This book represents an important new milestone in the long career of one of the most inflential social theorists of our time.

Marcuse continues the argument he began in Counterrevolution and Revolt, that Aethetics should be given a far larger role in the study of societies, in fact claiming here that it should perhaps take precedence in critical studies. “Only art continues to function as an appropriately balanced social conscience.″

Marcuse makes a compelling case for moving art and aesthetics to the forefront of critical theory.

EUR 60,-- 

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Marcuse- The Aesthetic Dimension