The Modern Sea Angler.
First Edition. London, Robert Hale, 1958. 22.2cm x 14.4cm. xi, 222 pages. Illustrated with half-tones and line drawings by the author. Original Hardcover with original dustjacket. In protective collector’s Mylar. Very good condition with only minor signs of external wear.
Includes for example the following chapters: Making up the tackle/ Baits/ Pier and jetty fishing/ Shore fishing/ Rock fishing/ Boat fishing techniques/ Sea fish worth catching, how to catch them/ Night fishing/ The fish’s world/ Sea-angling holidays/ Buying a boat/ Boat maintenance/ Cooking the catch/ British record sea fish etc.
All legitimate sea angling methods are covered- spinning, trolling, paternostering, legering, drift-lining, drag-lining, fly fishing, float fishing, feathering and surf-casting. There are two chapters on boat fishing: one deals with such important matters as choosing a seaworthy boat, safety precautions, tides and currents; the other describes the angling techniques used while afloat. Yet another section of the book describes and illustrates with line drawings the distinguishing features, feeding habits and haunts of some forty different kinds of British sea fish, and also provides a detailed account of the angling methods used for each species.
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