West Cork Rare BookfairINANNA MODERNWest Cork Reading Holidays
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Gregg, A Social and Economic History of Britain , 1760-1950.

Gregg, Pauline.

A Social and Economic History of Britain , 1760-1950. – Part I : The Rise of the Middle Classes. Part II : The Rise of the Working Classes. Part III : A Century of Social Reform. With forty-seven plates in half-tone and thirteen tables, graphs and diagrams.

London, George G. Harrap & Co., 1950. 14 cm x 21.5 cm. 584 pages. Illustrated frontispiece in black and white. Original hardcover. Good condition with signs of external wear. From the reference library of Hans Christian Andersen – Translator Erik Haugaard. With his Exlibris to the pastedown.

Includes for example the following essays: The Agrarian Revolution / The Industrial Revolution / War and Depression / Population / Industrial Struggle / The Combination Laws and Co-operation / The Crushing of British Radicalism / Economic Development / Railways and the Navvies / The Freeing of Trade / Banking and Currency / Working Condition sin Industry and Trade as well as in Mines / Aristocracy versus Middle Class / The Poor Law and Public Health / Chartism / Education / The Age of the Middle Classes / Self Helf in the Period of Victorian Prosperity / Trade Union in the Prosperity Period / The Agricultural Labourer / The Labour Movement / Trade Unionism and Socialism in the Political Field / Industrial Struggle / 1851 – 1950 – A Century of Social reform / Higher Education / The Public Education System / Children’s Reading / etc.

EUR 70,-- 

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Gregg, A Social and Economic History of Britain , 1760-1950.